Hooray! Bill O'Reilly is outta there! Should have been done decades ago. There is a lot being said about this by far more erudite people than I, so I won't wax poetic. But hearing about women who made a mighty effort not be alone with him, enduring his unwanted advances and having to listen to his vile comments day in and day out is quite appalling. It's tragic that it took this long for Fox to get their heads out of their asses and do the right thing. Same old sorry excuse: It's about the money.
I heard that there were tears from some of the employees at Fox when they heard of his leaving. Unless they were tears of joy, I have no idea who these people could be to mourn the loss of such a vile creature.
Enough of the celebration. Let's move on:
FvC and Spicer think that a Democrat getting a 48% vote and the nearest Republican getting 20% is considered a loss for the Democrats. Huh? Definitely contortion logic. 48%...28%...I'll just let that hang there.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz is not running for his office in 2018, and is saying he might not finish his term. WTF?!? I get the feeling something nasty is going on. I can hardly wait!
Did you know that after dismissing all the U.S. Attorneys, the FvC administration hasn't replaced ONE yet!
The penny drops: Exxon is seeking a waiver to operate in Russia regardless of the U.S. sanctions. Now THIS should get very interesting in the coming months.
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