Monday, May 29, 2017

Home run turns out to be a strikeout

So FvC calls his foreign trip "a home run." Right.

And Angela Merkel says, "The times when we could completely rely on others are, to an extent, over..." in response to FvC's trip. Good job, FvC!

Guess that home run turned out to be a strikeout. David Frum tweeted, "Worth recalling that supreme goal of first Soviet then Russian foreign policy in Europe since 1945: crack the US-German relationship".

I really enjoyed the little gaffes that plagued the road trip:

Melania's swatting FvC's hand away on a tarmac. FvC riding a golf cart while the rest of the leaders at the G7 walked. FvC's senior moment while with Netanyahu. Not naming the male partner of one of the leaders when listing the names of the leaders' significant others picture (It was called an "oversight"). FvC's shoving aside the Prime Minister of Montenegro so FvC could get in front of everybody. The zero press conferences during the entire trip.

Bottom line: FvC is a boor to the max.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Pond Scum running for Montana seat

The Montana Republican candidate for the state's only federal representative slammed a reporter to the ground last night. I will not name the millionaire asshole. This is reprehensible.

By all rights this slime ball should take himself out of the running, but we all know that in this day and age of American politics, he will not back away from such egregious behavior. The thirst for power is too great, and the idiot electorate will " forgive" his transgressions.

The candidate acted just like any abuser does and tried to make it the fault of the reporter in the candidate's official statement. He's charged with misdemeanor assault, and he still won't step down. Asshole...

The election is being held today, and it is amazing to think that there is still speculation this pond scum might just win. The good news is that people who voted early are calling and asking if they can change their vote. The bad news is they can't.

Coward Paul Ryan soft pedaled the whole thing and did not ask for him to step down. Of course not! He needs all Republicans he can get. Forget about the candidate being a person of violence! Party before country!! Huzzah!!

This incident is more proof that "law and order" is only for those who don't have money or power. It took hours for the sheriff to "cite" the guy. Had anyone slammed the candidate to the ground, that person would have been immediately cuffed and taken to jail to languish overnight waiting to get a bail set.

BTW -  As of this writing, Mr. Pond Scum has not apologized.

UPDATE: Well, the asshole won. Way to go, Montanans. Ideally, the fourth estate should shun this cretin completely along with the Democrat House representatives. Self-respecting Republicans as well. He should be ousted from the House by the other representatives.

In reality, this will pass, and this pond scum will be addressed as "esteemed" and "honorable." Fuck him.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Enough Is Enough!

Let's face it. FvC* is totally incompetent to play President. It was obvious from the get-go. Everything that has occurred in the 100+ days was plainly obvious during the 18-month (or so) campaign. I am really sick of hearing those around me say that a lot of "smart people" backed this clown. I am utterly amazed.

If you didn't see the hucksterism, bigotry and misogyny this guy was sweating out of his pores from day one and before, you were not a smart person.

I truly believe that any other sitting President would be facing impeachment by now.

It is obvious that the Republicans in power have put party (and power) before country. In my opinion they are traitors to our country. I'll reiterate: They are TRAITORS to our country. I hope they will be vilified for the rest of their lives. Shame on them! I put Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan at the head of the list. A pox on them...

I've said this before: I only hope that whenever this egregious person is finally gone (and, of course, the sooner the better), our country will not have been permanently damaged.

*Fuckface von Clownstick (Courtesy Jon Stewart)

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hooray for Sally Yates

I watched the entire 3+ hours interview of James Clapper and Sally Yates yesterday by the Senate subcommittee. It was quite interesting and fun.

First off, in 2013 James Clapper openly lied under oath in the past, so I don't understand how his word can be taken at all. He should have been prosecuted for perjury back then.

Sally Yates, ex-acting AG, did exceedingly well. Her reciting of law countering a smug Ted Cruz was wonderful. This will be fun to watch over the coming years:

She also took to task Senator Cornyn:

This woman will go far in the coming years.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

FvC: "You have better health care than we do." (They have universal health care)

So the miscreants at the House passed the AHCA. Truly terrible. Fortunately, this now goes to the Senate, and hopefully, it will die there and the ACA will remain in place.

The mission now is to get as many of those Republicans who voted for it out of office in 2018. As I wrote in a previous post, anyone who votes for these monsters are just as guilty as they are.

On a lighter note, FvC praised the Australian PM tonight saying that Australia had a better health care system than we do. Funny thing about that: Australia is on a universal health care system. Bernie Sanders had a great laugh about it on Chris Hayes' show, and he said he would make sure to bring that up in the Senate.

I can hardly wait to see how this is walked back either by FvC himself or his cohorts. Spicer's response to the inevitable questions by the press at his next press briefing should be a hoot!

Warning: Idiot Certification Coming Up in 2018

All I can say is that anyone who votes for a House member who votes ""aye" on this health care debacle in the next election is a certified idiot.

There are so many bad items in it, for one (They are being detailed all over the Internet); however, the most egregious part is the bill has not been read in its entirety by many of those voting for it, and it hasn't even been vetted by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)! WTF?!?


It's also come out that the bill exempts house members from participating in this new bill. They get to keep their original health care! WTF?!?

It thoroughly mystifies me how these cretins get elected to office. Who are the electorate that think these animals are working for them? Only the wealthy who have no dogs in the hunt and are looking for sheer financial gain by these horrible laws being enacted are advocating this agenda, and they certainly aren't the majority!

These cowards in the House who are voting for the bill studiously avoid talking to the press about it. Darryl Issa from California told one reporter it was none of the reporter's business how he is going to vote on the bill. Excuse me?

Another House member ran into the ladies' room to avoid talking with a reporter about it. Yet another member told a reporter he had just gotten back from baseball practice and hadn't read the bill yet. This was three hours before the vote! This is very redolent of the Keystone Kops. It would be funny if the consequences weren't so serious.

How on God's Green Earth do these empty suits keep getting elected? The stupidity of our country is astounding to me. George Carlin once said, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." Personally, I think he was being kind to the intelligence of the populace.

If you find out anyone who votes for these murderers in the 2018 election, shun them immediately for the rest of their lives...

Monday, May 1, 2017

Open Mouth...Insert Foot

The title of this post has to be FvC's mantra.

Today another great one. He implied that Andrew Jackson was alive during the Civil War. Unfortunately, Jackson died in 1845. FvC got a lot of grief over it all day until, finally, he tried very feebly to extricate himself by tweeting, "President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry. Would never have let it happen."

Nice try, Slick! Doesn't wash.

Others have said it, but I agree that whenever FvC says, "Many people don't know..." he really means, "I just heard this for the first time." A classic example is when FvC said (and I'm paraphrasing) that many people don't know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Yeah, right. I would love to know the time differential between his discovering the fact himself and the statement.

In other news, all day the buzz has been that the FvC administration was ending Michelle Obama's female education initiative. Gee, guess what happened late today? According to The Hill blog, a White House spokeswoman stated, "There have been no changes to the program." She attributes the confusion to the fact that the initial "memo was sent due to 'internal confusion.'" Wow, that two-word phrase could be the administration's National Anthem!

Another one bites the dust: Bill Shine, Co-President of Fox News, tendered his resignation this morning. He was instrumental in allowing the sexual harassment by employees to fester within the company.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross treated FvC's missile strike in Syria quite lightly by stating it was "after-dinner entertainment." He also stated, "The thing was, it didn't cost the president anything to have that entertainment." Well, it cost the taxpayers probably something north of $100 million. It might also have cost Syrian lives. What a pathetic miscreant to say something like that!

I love seeing pundits taking FvC to task for his cozying up to authoritarians around the world. They are shocked, SHOCKED by his actions. Never mind that past administrations have been doing the same exact thing, sometimes worse. Or did we forget Hillary's praising of authoritarian Mubarak of Egypt, Obama's embracing the head of Saudi Arabia, Clinton aiding Yeltsin to stay in power in Russia during the 90s, the installing of Pinochet in Chile by overthrowing a duly elected President, etc.? It's been going on for decades.

What a world...what a world...