Friday, April 28, 2017

100 days...of nothin'

Not one piece of legislation passed.  A multitude of Executive Orders, many of which could have been accomplished by just a phone call, and others getting voided by our court system. A Supreme Court Justice did get approved, though that was a stolen position, and he only got on the court by the Republican majority Senate changing its rules (in a word...cheating). A tax plan that will benefit the wealthy and totally undermine the rest. This guy is good! Oh, right...he has played more golf than any other president in 100 days. Give that man a cookie!

Of course, anyone with half a brain could see this coming from the day he announced his candidacy. There are polls out this week that indicate he's only lost two percent of those who voted for him. I say, you can't fix stupid. There will come a time when those who voted for him will start getting the shaft. It will be interesting to see the fallout from that. That is, if he lasts that long.

One thing I've noticed is that single payer health care is getting a lot more press than ever before. California is on the path to getting it. Bravo! I've advocated it for years, and I really hope that single payer for all becomes a reality in my lifetime (though the clock is ticking on that).

Let's see what's going on currently:

FvC thought "presidenting" (My coinage), would be easier. I like Dana Milbank's comment that "Donald Trump's presidency has been hard work for all of us."

According to Brian Kahn of Climate Central, "There hasn't been a cool month in 628 months." As Bill McKinnen put it, "If you were born after December 1964, you've never experienced a month cooler than average on this planet.".

House keeps kicking the can down the road. They've passed a stopgap bill avoiding a government shutdown tomorrow. Vote was 382-30. Wow! What a bunch of wimps.

Another "Wow!" Tom Hanks agrees with what I've been saying my whole life. Billionaires should pay for their own NFL stadiums! What a novel concept!

And finally... though this is not anything political, Lavar Ball, father of UCLA basketball Phenom Lorenzo Ball, just got snubbed by Adidas, Under Armour and Nike when he tried to get licensing for his Big Baller Brand. Good for them! I'm a Bruin fan, and this guy has been a pain in the ass since the 2016-17 BB season began. He should let his son go, and stay out of his son's affairs.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

FvC Follies - 04/23/14

AG Attorney General Jeff Sessions defends his calling Hawaii an "island in the Pacific" as a joke and that "nobody has a sense of humor any more." Don't you just love how often the FvC* idiots constantly contort themselves when they say something totally inappropriate? Constantly.

FvC thinks he can "still beat Hillary in popular vote." At least "crooked" wasn't in there. But c'mon! Really?

I heard that the March for Science drew more protesters than FvC's inauguration. Congratulations to all who participated! What killed me were the signs that basically said something to the effect of, "I can't believe it's 2017, and we have to march for the sake of science and facts!"

Love the fact that FvC over the months kept harping about how effective his first 100 days were going to be. Now that it's imminent, what does he say? "...the hundred days are just an artificial barrier." He is now blaming the press for "talking about the hundred days." He also stated that "Somebody put out the concept of a 100-day plan."(!) Gee, wonder who that was?

FvC "congratulated" a veteran for receiving the Purple Heart. I'll just let that lie there...

Saudi Arabia was elected to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. In other news, Farmer John is letting Mr. Fox spend the night in the henhouse.

FvC tells the AP that regarding the Presidency, he "never realized how big it was." Ya think?

FvC is going to roll out his tax reform plan Wednesday. This ought to be good!

David  Letterman on FvC: "He's ignorant in a way that's insulting to the office, insulting to America, insulting to human rights, insulting to civil rights."

FvC: OK. The one thing I've learned to do that I never thought I had the ability to do. I don't watch CNN anymore.
AP: You just said you did.
FvC: No. No, I, if I'm passing it, what did I just say (inaudible)?
AS: You just said...
FvC: Where? Where?
AP: Two minutes ago.

...and so begins a new week...

*Fuckface von Clownstick

Thursday, April 20, 2017

What's going on in the swamp?

Hooray! Bill O'Reilly is outta there! Should have been done decades ago.  There is a lot being said about this by far more erudite people than I, so I won't wax poetic. But hearing about women who made a mighty effort not be alone with him, enduring his unwanted advances and having to listen to his vile comments day in and day out is quite appalling. It's tragic that it took this long for Fox to get their heads out of their asses and do the right thing. Same old sorry excuse: It's about the money.

I heard that there were tears from some of the employees at Fox when they heard of his leaving. Unless they were tears of joy, I have no idea who these people could be to mourn the loss of such a vile creature.

Enough of the celebration. Let's move on:

FvC and Spicer think that a Democrat getting a 48% vote and the nearest Republican getting 20% is considered a loss for the Democrats. Huh?  Definitely contortion logic. 48%...28%...I'll just let that hang there.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz is not running for his office in 2018, and is saying he might not finish his term. WTF?!? I get the feeling something nasty is going on. I can hardly wait!

Did you know that after dismissing all the U.S. Attorneys, the FvC administration hasn't replaced ONE yet!

The penny drops: Exxon is seeking a waiver to operate in Russia regardless of the U.S. sanctions. Now THIS should get very interesting in the coming months.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Problem with MSM

Here is a great essay about the problem with cable news. MSM need to get their act together and provide us with the information we need, not just inane argument.

FvC Follies

Gee, according to the AP and I'm sure other sources, the day Ivanka had dinner with Xi Ping, her company got approved for new China trademarks. What a "veryvery" strange coincidence! As Hollywood Reporter's Kim Masters put it, "Kleptocracy in action."

DHS Secretary Kelly, just two days ago, said marijuana was not a factor in the drug war. Today, he claims it is "a potentially dangerous gateway drug," and he's going to go full throttle in the enforcement of laws against it. Think Secretary Kelly received a "veryvery" stern phone call in between the comments to "explain" exactly the error of his ways? He's definitely his own man!

The White House a while back said that an armada ("Very powerful!") was steaming to North Korea to display our displeasure at what they were doing. Today we learned that the warships were actually headed in the opposite direction thousands of miles away! Can this cretin lead a country or what? All it did was "trigger hundreds of new stories/segments/TV discussions," according to CNN's Brian Stelter. Wow!

The next two items don't really pertain to FvC, but I think they are "veryvery" notable:

The Hollywood Reporter writes, "Bill O'Reilly used to leer at an African-American Fox News clerical worker and called her 'hot chocolate,' according to attorney Lisa Bloom, who helped the woman report the harassment to the network's hot line." Later today, there are unconfirmed reports that Fox is leaning toward ousting this sleazoid and are negotiating with him an exit package. What a douchebag! Good riddance...

And to cap it all off the cost of telecom services and telephone companies lobbying was north of $123 million in 2016. This year internet privacy has been legislated away, and next target: the free and open internet.

Monday, April 17, 2017

FvC doin's

So what idiocy came forth from FvC today? Hmmm...

His wife, born in another country, had to nudge FvC to remind him to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem. (Now there's a true "patriot"! Real slick!)

He autographed a kid's hat, then promptly threw the hat into the crowd. (Way to win a kid over, dufus!)

FvC tweet o' the day (TOTD): "The Fake Media (not Real Media) has gotten even worse since the election. Every story is badly slanted. We have to hold them to the truth!" (Puh-leeze!)

From the Press Briefing:

Spicer tried to defend keeping the visitor logs secret, which were explained as "national security concerns" Friday. I won't go into his bullshit excuses. I'll just say what many others have said. The "so called" President serves at the pleasure of the people. The White House is owned by the people and therefore the people deserve an open and transparent White House (and Presidency). I like the idea that a fundraiser should be held so that the entrances to the White House be manned 24/7 to see who is going in and out. Our luck, there are secret entrances that can be used to thwart that.

Spicer also wouldn't commit to the question asking if FvC would ever release his returns. "We'll have to get back to you. He's still under audit." (Yeah...and I'm starring in the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie.)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Old news? Hah!

FvC (See previous post) tweeted this morning saying, “I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?”

You bet your ass they were brought up again, and the returns will be brought up again and again until they are either produced or FvC is out of office (and I personally think it will be great if he’s is hounded about them until the end of time).

This brings to mind the time I was living in California when Arnold Schwarzenegger was running for Governor back in the day. Rumors were constantly swirling about that Arnold had harassed women while he was making films. The press kept asking about it, and, of course, he stalled saying that he was just too busy running for Governor to address the issue. He never responded to the accusations as I recall.

The beautiful thing is when he was eventually elected, an intrepid reporter asked once again for him to address the issue of his allegedly harassing women on sets. His reply? “Old news!" FvC is desperately trying to make the returns "old news."

I bring this up in the hopes that our we will dog FvC for-fucking-ever to force him to release the returns. In his case, it will never, and I mean never, be “old news.”

FvC’s dogged determination not to release them certainly indicates some very damaging information lurking about. I can’t wait to see what it is, and I am firmly convinced the returns will be exposed, somehow.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Two Groups Befouled Us

 There are two groups I hold accountable for this Kleptocracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, name-your-poison-cracy/archy that is befouling our country today.

 The idiots who voted for the Jon Stewart dubbed “Fuckface von Clownstick” (whom I will continue to refer as FvC) and the liberal/progressive electorate who chose not to vote.

 Regarding the former, I’ve said my entire life the masses are stupid. Dumb. As George Carlin put it, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Just about sums it up, doesn’t it?

 You could see what was coming from day one when FvC announced his candidacy. These voters actually bought the snake oil Harold Hill was selling them. Now we are starting to hear from the edges that those who voted for him are suddenly seeing their loved ones being deported (“I thought he was only going to deport bad hombres!”). It will get worse for the voters as the administration’s policies begin to affect more of them. No sympathy from this corner. The old WYSIWYG is in full operation. It will get worse.

 As for the nonvoting liberals, shame on them. It is an honor to vote. No, a duty. I read somewhere that if around 8o-85% of the electorate voted, this country would be far and away more liberal and progressive. I believe it.

 The only upside I see is that FvC’s election will hopefully galvanize the population into getting rid of the bozo via impeachment or the 2020 election before permanent damage is done. One can only hope.