Saturday, April 15, 2017

Two Groups Befouled Us

 There are two groups I hold accountable for this Kleptocracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy, name-your-poison-cracy/archy that is befouling our country today.

 The idiots who voted for the Jon Stewart dubbed “Fuckface von Clownstick” (whom I will continue to refer as FvC) and the liberal/progressive electorate who chose not to vote.

 Regarding the former, I’ve said my entire life the masses are stupid. Dumb. As George Carlin put it, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Just about sums it up, doesn’t it?

 You could see what was coming from day one when FvC announced his candidacy. These voters actually bought the snake oil Harold Hill was selling them. Now we are starting to hear from the edges that those who voted for him are suddenly seeing their loved ones being deported (“I thought he was only going to deport bad hombres!”). It will get worse for the voters as the administration’s policies begin to affect more of them. No sympathy from this corner. The old WYSIWYG is in full operation. It will get worse.

 As for the nonvoting liberals, shame on them. It is an honor to vote. No, a duty. I read somewhere that if around 8o-85% of the electorate voted, this country would be far and away more liberal and progressive. I believe it.

 The only upside I see is that FvC’s election will hopefully galvanize the population into getting rid of the bozo via impeachment or the 2020 election before permanent damage is done. One can only hope.

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