Of course, anyone with half a brain could see this coming from the day he announced his candidacy. There are polls out this week that indicate he's only lost two percent of those who voted for him. I say, you can't fix stupid. There will come a time when those who voted for him will start getting the shaft. It will be interesting to see the fallout from that. That is, if he lasts that long.
One thing I've noticed is that single payer health care is getting a lot more press than ever before. California is on the path to getting it. Bravo! I've advocated it for years, and I really hope that single payer for all becomes a reality in my lifetime (though the clock is ticking on that).
Let's see what's going on currently:
FvC thought "presidenting" (My coinage), would be easier. I like Dana Milbank's comment that "Donald Trump's presidency has been hard work for all of us."
According to Brian Kahn of Climate Central, "There hasn't been a cool month in 628 months." As Bill McKinnen put it, "If you were born after December 1964, you've never experienced a month cooler than average on this planet.".
House keeps kicking the can down the road. They've passed a stopgap bill avoiding a government shutdown tomorrow. Vote was 382-30. Wow! What a bunch of wimps.
Another "Wow!" Tom Hanks agrees with what I've been saying my whole life. Billionaires should pay for their own NFL stadiums! What a novel concept!
And finally... though this is not anything political, Lavar Ball, father of UCLA basketball Phenom Lorenzo Ball, just got snubbed by Adidas, Under Armour and Nike when he tried to get licensing for his Big Baller Brand. Good for them! I'm a Bruin fan, and this guy has been a pain in the ass since the 2016-17 BB season began. He should let his son go, and stay out of his son's affairs.