Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gaming the System

So Security Exchange Commission head Christopher Cox is now spouting out a mea culpa for not checking into serious allegations about Bernard Madoff’s decades-long Ponzi scheme. I love the headline from the Huffingpost: “Christopher Cox Blasts Own Department for Missing Madoff Scheme.” WTF? This is so much bull, I can’t believe it.

This whole debacle which, in some circles say is greater than Enron, is emblematic of our entire current governmental and financial states. Here’s how it goes:

An institution comes up with an illegal or mighty rule bending procedure to make huge profits, continue to do so for years, then when the house of cards falls, we get people in charge like Chairman Cox fecklessly admit that they dropped the ball. These wheeler dealers are repulsive. The God Almighty dollar is the driving force, those in charge turn a blind eye (most likely because they are getting a piece of the action) and the rest of the world be damned.

Of course, when everything starts to crumble, it’s the people that suffer…from personal lost monies and property to the using of their taxes to bail out these greedy bastards.

Let’s start a partial list. We’ll start with Enron. They sucked billions of dollars out of California utilizing a fake “power shortfall.” Then they juggle the books until the entire corporation crumbles, destroying the lives of thousands of their employees. According to the documentary “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” the thinking at the higher echelon was that if an idea sounded good, they tacked a huge profit on the next corporation’s statements just for the thought! Now I’m not by any means an economics expert, but even I know that this is absolutely ridiculous. Puhleeze! Meanwhile, warnings were given but ignored.

How about GM? Their mismanagement is pathetic. All the executives were making their millions, catering to the oil companies and destroying perfectly good electric cars that Americans wanted (You’ve got to love that Chrysler has now announced that they are going to produce electric cars). Of course, they want these same Americans to bail them out. Warnings were given but were ignored.

Now comes Madoff and his vicious game. Thousands of investors are suddenly without their money and charities are folding immediately because they’ve been wiped out by this criminal. Warnings were given but were ignored.

See, this is how it works. Everybody in play knows the game is rigged to make huge profits, but since everybody in play is making money they will politely ignore it. When the shit hits the fan, THEN everybody in play starts hand wringing…moaning a “woe is me, how could we have MISSED this? We’ll do better next time.” Yeah, right. “Better” meaning not getting caught.

The end result is that everybody in play walks away with millions from the scheme, vows to clean up this den of iniquity, then moves on to the next “game” that gives them billions (yes, with a “b”) of dollars, only to hand-wring again once the house of cards collapses.

And let’s not forget that the “Public Servants” in Washington, D.C. who allowed this to happen (read “winked” at the transgressions before the collapse) will move into that very financial sector after leaving the government, whereupon they will start making their millions. This will be in gratitude for their allowing the gaming of the system while they were in government.

Meanwhile, we, the public, will be ignored (i.e., no entitlements capital available), and have our money waiting in the wings as bailout for future gaming of the system so the new generation of economic “experts” from Ivy League colleges can get their millions from us. It’s a tragic Circle Game, ad infinitum.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Don't Look Back?

On “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” today, John McCain said in regard to Abu Grhaib and other torture issues that he “didn’t want to look back,” rather, look forward to make sure that this doesn’t happen again. What really gets me is how McCain delivered the line. As if anyone who would think otherwise is an idiot who doesn’t know the way of the world. This kind of stupid (or should I say “calculated”?) thinking is exactly what I wrote about in a previous post.

We cannot ignore the past. To make sure that this does not happen again requires us to hold those accountable for such egregious behavior that occurred in the past.

By investigating and bringing to justice those who instigated and allowed others to commit these horrible crimes is a great way to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Anyone in the future who even thinks about renewing this kind of crime against humanity needs to be fully aware that he or she will be held fully responsible. Prior to their renewing such actions, perhaps the future administrations will “look back” and see what the severe ramifications were for the permission of torture against our fellow human beings. And this looking back is how we “look forward to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” The old saw “those who fail to remember the past are condemned to repeat it” has never been truer than now.

And, to digress, I love that “good ol’ boy, the guy you want to have a beer with” George Bush, who has a home in “good ol’ boy, the kind of town you want to have a beer in” Crawford, Texas during his administration is now dumping that image (no longer needed) and moving to a high end (read “filthy rich”) housing development in Dallas, Texas. I won’t even go into the fact that blacks were not allowed to live there up until 2000. Of course, SERVANTS were OK.

I truly hope that what goes around comes around and Bush (he doesn’t even deserve the respect of being called “Mr.”) and his administration are eventually called to account for what he has done to the thousands of dead and injured American soldiers and possibly over a million dead and injured Iraqis and Afghanis…all for his and his cronies’ benefit (read profits).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Land of the Free?

Land of the Free?
Then: I could go anywhere in this country and not be detained without a legitimate reason.
Now: I can be picked up and “disappeared” forever without any legal representation just because the President can.

Land of the Free?
Then: We tried and convicted certain Japanese individuals for waterboarding.
Now: We waterboard anyone we choose.

Land of the Free?
Then: I remember when going on a plane trip my family and friends would walk with me to the gate, wave goodbye and watch me enter the plane.
Now: I need a boarding pass to get within ¼ mile of the gate and no one else can get near it.

Land of the Free?
Then: I remember just walking to the boarding gate with my carryon and entering the plane.
Now: I need to take off my shoes, walk through a metal detector, dump my personal belongings into a bin, have my luggage scanned, have no bottles of liquid or gel greater than 3 ounces and have my breathing device swabbed and electronically “sniffed” for dangerous chemical residue.

Land of the Free?
Then: I could telephone friends and family and know that my private conservations were just that – private.
Now: The Foreign Intelligence Survey Act now allows the “Authorities” to listen in to any of my telephone conversations without any restraint and keep it in a database - permanently.

Land of the Free?
Then: I was safe in knowing that the military could not take control of anything within our borders.
Now: There is a 20,000 man brigade sitting idly by, waiting to take control of anything within these United States whenever the President feels like it.

Land of the Free?
Then: I could check out any books I want in the library and it was nobody’s business but my own.
Now: The “Authorities” can force the library to turn over the list of books I have checked without any reason whatsoever.

Land of the Free?
Then: I could walk into any church and worship without anyone spying on me.
Now: The “Authorities” may enter any church and spy on anyone one who is attending the service and the service itself.

Land of the Free?
Now: the last line of our National Anthem is “…o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
Future: Last line should read: “…o’er the land of Homeland Security and the home of those in fear.”

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pulling the Plug on Electric Cars

Last night I watched “Who Killed the Electric Car?” This documentary clearly demonstrates that GM and the other car companies have absolutely no interest in anything but the bottom line and acquiescing to the oil companies. They actually had the audacity to say that they were building the big cars because that’s what the people wanted. Never mind that there was a waiting list for more of the electric cars that they were building. They were more interested in immediate bottom line profits than thinking ahead.

To watch GM and the other car companies today begging for money bailouts is disgusting. They had their chance and they blew it. I have absolutely no sympathy for these clowns. They were totally into absolute profit (bigger cars equal bigger profits) and, in addition, acquiesced to the oil companies and their agenda. Screw ‘em.

I won’t get into all that the film presented, which demonstrated the total amorality of these executives (I recommend to the reader of this post to view the film); however, based on their behavior, these bozos must go.

I, personally, want the entire industry to fold up its tents and begin from square one with entrepreneurs who have a grasp of what’s needed now and in the future. Unfortunately, myself being “economic theory” challenged, I don’t have a clue as to how serious of a total collapse of the industry would be to our country as a whole. That’s for those in the know to determine.

If we must keep these pathetic companies in place, I believe two events must occur before bailing the industry out. First, fire these bastards. The entire executive management teams should be gone - now, and then bring in new blood. Second, a strong plan that calls for the retooling of the plants to adapt to the 21st century. Design electrical vehicles (hey, maybe bring back that fantastic Electric Car that they crushed out in the Arizona desert – what a concept!) and work on practical solar applications as well.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Here it is, Thanksgiving weekend. There are, I’m sure, about a bazillion people writing, blogging and talking about what they are thankful for, so I will jump into the fray and mention one very important thing for which I’m am grateful and will continue to give thanks.

I am so thankful for me and those who are much more eloquent than I to be able to write blogs giving constructive criticism about our government without fear of reprisals (a caveat: as yet).

As far as I’m concerned this country has gone to hell in a hand basket for about the last thirty years. I see really not much radical change for the better in the ensuing Obama administration; however, like so many others I’m willing to establish a wait and see attitude. I see Barack Obama as a very astute and bright person. I truly hope he can resist the tremendous pressure he will be under by the Washington, D.C. establishment, the financial institutions and the military industrial complex. I have my doubts, but we’ll see…

But back to my point. Though I’m am so grateful for not having to worry about “Someone in Authority” violently knocking on my door for criticizing The Powers That Be (TPTB), I see a crack in the dyke that could spell big trouble. I’m referring to CNN reporter Drew Griffin. It appears that Mr. Griffin was suddenly on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) watch list after he aired a report criticizing the TSA about having over 1,000,000 people on said watch list. Since that report, every time that Mr. Griffin tries to board an aircraft, he is “detained.” Right after the report this began happening. Hmmm… Sounds like a reprisal to me. Of course, the TSA denies any connection. Right…and there is an Easter Bunny.

Sadly, I can imagine that there is this powerful search engine utilized by the government culling through the blogosphere looking for keywords/phrases that might target negative viewpoints of those not in agreement with TPTB. We need to be sure that we identify any activity by the government against people such as Mr. Griffin, and expose it loudly. We cannot let this slip by under the radar.

I want to be thankful every day that I can freely comment on our country both positively and negatively without negative repercussions for decades to come.

Monday, November 17, 2008

All Are Equal Under the Law

There is an article on Yahoo! News that just came out about 15 minutes ago. The headline reads: “Obama advisers: No charges likely vs interrogators”

Within the body of the article was a quote from an interview by Vermont Public Radio. When asked if Bush administration officials would face war crimes, Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Senate Judiciary Chairman said, “In the United States, no.”

In addition, “two Obama advisors said there’s little – if any – chance that the incoming president’s Justice Department will go after anyone involved in authorizing or carrying out interrogations that provided worldwide outrage.”

This is despicable! No way should anyone who perpetrated these atrocities not be held accountable. I cannot believe this injustice. This is just a furtherance of “The Powers That Be” throughout the decades enabling current administrations to flaunt the law with impunity, knowing that at the end, they will be held unaccountable by the successors. I’m convinced there is some kind of “Gentlemen’s Agreement” that when leaving office the next regime will “move forward and forget the past” and ignore any egregious behavior that’s been perpetrated on the citizens of the world by their predecessors.

However, there are those who are not going to roll over on this. Again, from the article:

“But Michael Ratner, a professor at Columbia Law School and president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, said prosecuting Bush officials is necessary to set future anti-torture policy.

‘The only way to prevent this from happening again is to make sure that those who were responsible for the torture program pay the price for it,’ Ratner said. ‘I don’t see how we regain our moral stature by allowing those who were intimately involved in the torture programs to simply walk off the stage and lead lives where they are not held accountable.’”

My sentiments EXACTLY! This is not about revenge or retribution. This is about ALL men and women being held accountable for their actions. No one is above the law, including presidents or ex-presidents or their staffs. At least I thought so in these United States.

The Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal.” This does not mean (to borrow from George Orwell) some are more equal than others. Are we to be brainwashed into thinking that these are “Very Important People” with “Very Important Problems” that must be solved regardless of method? Then not worry about what they did to whom and who may have suffered and/or died from these outlaw policies because we “must move forward”? Forget about the past? What’s that about those forgetting the past being condemned to repeat it?

Are we really going to allow us sheep to be shorn by these "Very Important People"? We sheep should just go shopping and let the “Very Important People” take care of business in whatever manner they choose – without oversight?

We must not fall back on the mantra that there are “more Important Issues ahead,” and we must “not dwell on the past.” This sets a bad precedent for the future, letting the soon-to-be “Powers That Be” know they can do whatever they want, and we sheep will just blithely agree that the “past is past” and the “Important Issues” are more pressing than accountability. Is anyone confident that a sitting President (including Barack Obama come January) will “do the right thing” and we should just “trust him,” with whatever he chooses to do because he is a “good guy”?

This is absolutely counter to what our country is all about. All of us should exercise due diligence in overseeing our leaders. Believe it or not, they work for us and, in theory, are supposed to promote OUR general welfare and let US enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not just the corporate elite or military industrial complex.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The First 100 Minutes

I’m really glad that Barack Obama defeated John McCain. This is a great day for the United States of America. I can’t be prouder that “We, the People,” resoundingly shut down this horrible right wing oligarchy, albeit temporarily. We must always be alert for this kind of behavior in the future.

It is over two months now before President-elect Obama is sworn in. He should use this time judiciously. I believe this is what he must do. Spend the two months planning very carefully, then right after his swearing in ceremony, go directly to the Oval Office and:

1. Immediately issue the order to cease all hostilities in Iraq, Afghanistan and any other sovereign nation that we don’t know about. Establish a strict, defensive posture and DO NOT allow one more drop of blood be spilled by our troops or the Iraqi civilians due to our aggression. The order for complete withdrawal of ALL our forces in the fastest time possible should be given.

2. Immediately issue the order to shut down Guantanamo Bay and all “Black” prisons around the world immediately. We must give due process to all those interred. Water boarding will be deemed torture. All stress induced manner of interrogations will be reviewed and strictly supervised by proper authorities, even if it means some kind of international oversight. The phrase “Enemy Combatant” and its concept shall be stricken from executive policy FOREVER.

3. Immediately issue the order to establish a Committee, Commission, Special Prosecutor, World Court or whatever to investigate George Bush and his outlaw administration for “high crimes and misdemeanors” including war crimes and murder. Then prosecute the bastards to the fullest extent of the law. And I don’t want to hear from President Obama or anybody else “We need to look forward, the past is past” type of crap. Any citizen of the United States from the President on down should be held accountable for violating our laws. Allowing this egregious behavior to pass without accountability sets a very ugly precedent for any future abuses of Power.

President Obama has just over two months to prepare for these implementations. I hope he does the right thing.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Same Old...Same Old

I’m writing this two days before the 2008 Presidential election. I’m mentioning this so that the reader (most likely only me) of the future can have a perspective of my viewpoint once the mists of time fade the immediacy of the post.

It appears that Barack Obama has the election well in hand. However, knowing the tenacity of the Republican “win at all cost” attitude, this certainly can’t be written in stone. If McCain were to win, we will continue the horrible path we’ve been on for the last eight years. “Maverick” does not wash with me at all, and, thankfully the vast majority of the population. Since January of 08, I maintained that McCain would win in a narrow victory. I believe his poor handling of the recent and ongoing economy debacle plus his pick of Sarah Palin as his VP running mate sank him big time.

Unfortunately, I really don’t see much of a radical change in an Obama administration.

Here’s what I see. Obama has already advocated a “Permanent War” mindset (i.e., more troops to Afghanistan) which practically no one has dared to vocally dispute. Of course, this pleases the Military/Industrial Complex, so he is serving those masters. He re-authorized the Patriot Act in 2005.

During the Primary Run, he was adamantly opposed to the FISA bill, yet when he won the Democratic Ticket, he proceeded to vote for the bill. He voted for the $750 Billion bailout bill, that the financial institutions are now jockeying to consolidate their positions and buying up smaller banks with the money instead of helping out the mortgage crisis. He’s for the Death Penalty, “Clean” Coal (Give me a break!) and Nuclear Power.

These certainly are not radical departures from our current situation. Obama will be under a huge amount of pressure from the multinational corporations and the aforesaid Military/Industrial Complex to accede to their demands. I don’t see him successfully resisting that pressure.

Finally, Bush has established immense power to the Presidency. Very close to totalitarianism courtesy the meek and mild Congress. I really don’t think anyone inheriting that power is going to beneficently give it all back. The prolific signing statements exempting the President from laws will continue, the feckless Congress will obligingly give Obama whatever he wants, and the band plays on…

I do believe he is a better choice than McCain, but I’m not leaping in the air and clicking my heels about it.

Bottom Line? “Meet the new boss…”

One last thing – what’s with the countdown clock to the first closing of polls on the cable channels? This is supposed to lend an air of “drama” to the election? Do these bozos really think that people are concentrating on the clock, waiting with breathless anticipation for it to hit zero? Like, a “clock” will increase their ratings over another cable news station? This is ludicrous!

I propose that a countdown clock should only be used to count down the last days/hours/minutes/seconds of the state-sanctioned murdering of another human being, then televising the actual event in “living” color. The death penalty is done for the “People,” is it not? Then let the “People” have a good gander at this execrable behavior of society! Pathetic…

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hound 'Em Big Time

A couple of days ago, Janine Boneparth of CODEPINK tried to put Karl Rove under citizen’s arrest. He was at the annual Mortgage Bankers’ Association. Good for her! According to their web site, “CODEPINK has been birddogging Karl Rove as he tours the country…”

I believe all of us should join CODEPINK in this endeavor. The Public should unite to hound these B******s in the Bush Administration (former and current) who led us into the murder of thousands of our soldiers and hundreds of thousands Iraqis.

In a coordinated mass effort by us, wherever they go in public, we (the local populace) should attempt to place them under citizen’s arrest. Their only recourse would be to go to security ridden venues via security vehicles. They should never be allowed to have access to public venues whatsoever. Let them never see the light of public space. Drive them into the dark where the Gollums (if there were such creatures) of the world live.

By all rights, they should be rotting in jail. Since the Power Structure currently entrenched here in America will not pursue these scumbags, we should endeavor to make sure they will live in fear of being harassed by us if they EVER come into our space.

I truly hope that one day, someone will have the courage to haul these criminals before a tribunal and finally make them pay for these egregious crimes.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Socialize That Speculation...Privatize That Profit!

So the Washington and Wall Street elite are still playing the “Socialized Speculator/Privatized Profit” game as they have for decades. It continually amazes me how the “Trust Us” attitude is so pervasive among them. Though I must admit it’s worked in the past to great effectiveness (Iraq War, FISA, etc.). All one is supposed to see on the surface is “The Sky Is Falling!” scenario. I mentioned in my last post how no detail is given about exactly what will happen if the current crisis is left unchecked. The old “It’s so bad we don’t want to panic you” mind set is definitely in play.

Here are a few points of what’s currently going on I want to mention:

1. Glenn Greenwald relates in his fine blog that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson let Lehman Bros. fail, yet bailed out AIG. Turns out his old pals at Goldman Sachs, where he was CEO, had an exposure of $20 billion or so if AIG failed. Hmmm…

2. At, it’s noted that of 38 incumbent “toss-up races” only eight voted for the bill. Of the secure incumbents the vote was close to 50-50. Interesting is it not how obvious big money controls our Congress when the connection is thrust into the spotlight by a “crisis”? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out those toss-up incumbents were aware that a vote for the Wall Street-friendly bill would not go well with their constituents.

3. When this “crisis” was first announced, the impression was given that “any moment” the entire economic world would collapse without giving Mr. Paulson an immediate, absolute unmonitored control of $700 billion to bail out the bozos who ripped us off (i.e., the “speculator socialization” model). Well, here we are…some two weeks later and the sky has not fallen. This was just another imminent “mushroom cloud” tactic to try to push an agenda counterproductive to “we, the people.” What’s really painful is that we’re now being told that the $700 billion figure was an arbitrary figure pulled out of someone’s a**. This quote is from "In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy. 'It’s not based on any particular data point,' a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. “We just wanted to choose a really large number.'" WTF!?!?

4. Now there is word out that a private telephone conference was held between the Treasury Department and “Financial Service Industry Members.” You can find more about this at Another fine example of marginalizing the populace in order to keep them in the dark from the wheeling and dealing for the taxpayer’s money.

As each day goes by, more and more egregious (dare I say “illegal”?) behavior is being exposed by our elected officials (who are not representing those who elected them, rather, those who furnished the major bucks to get them elected) and their partners in Wall Street. This has got to stop. Hopefully, this uncovering of the rock these villains are conspiring under will stay lifted until the upcoming election. Perhaps the people will be smart enough to understand and do what they can at the voting booth, though, personally, I doubt it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Fear Tactic

Senator Christopher Dodd and Representative John Boehner were on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" yesterday. I don’t have the transcript, but the following took place during the interview (in general terms).

Both men told Mr. Stephanopoulos that when they were briefed last week about the fallout of the AIG and other financial institution failures and what the immediate results were going to be in the upcoming days (literally), the consequences were so horrifying that there was shocked silence in the room for 10 to 15 seconds.

Now here’s what gets me. Mr. Stephanopoulos asked them what was said that was so horrifying. Both stated that they wouldn’t relate exactly what was said in order to not “scare” the public, or to put it another way – “Trust us, it’s bad.”

Excuse me? Trust “them”?? We elected these people. Now that they are the “Elected Ones,” THEY feel it’s not in OUR interest to understand everything that’s happening? We are too “fragile” to hear what’s what? We poor, dumb folk just don’t unnerstan’ dem impo’tant thangs?

I’m sorry, but in my opinion (and I’m sure a lot of others) the biggest fear to have is fear of the unknown (or “fear itself” as Roosevelt once said). To not know exactly what is looming is worse than understanding and coping with the problems at hand. How dare these people (whom we elected!) pull this crap on us! I guarantee that those clowns in office think that everybody not in the Washington, D.C. establishment (or “elite”) are just a bunch of rubes who don’t know s**t from Shinola.

This is clearly another in a very long line of fear tactics that is being used by those in power to cow the people into letting them do whatever is necessary to benefit them and not us. Let me repeat: Them…not us. “If you don’t let us handle it they way we need to (read: “To further our interests and profits”), YOU will not BELIEVE what is going to befall you!” In other words, “Go shopping, we’ve got it covered – as long as you let us…or else!”

Just look at what happened. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson originally was going to be given full authority to disburse $700 billion, not be held accountable for his actions and not even have to divulge what he did with the money.

This ramming through Congress an economic “fixit” bill is strikingly similar to the ramming through of the Patriot Act. In a major climate of fear, the Patriot Act was passed without even Congress taking a long, hard look at it. The end result was a severe cutting of our basic freedoms. Now here we go again. Who knows what will also be in this “emergency economic fixit bill”?

Fortunately, so far, clearer heads are prevailing today, Monday. This free hand Paulson was being given might not be so free once it all shakes out (and I certainly hope so). Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research was on Amy Goodman’s “Democracy Now!” program this morning. He advocates that any banking outfit that comes hat-in-hand for any of our taxpayer money should be severely penalized for their actions, such as a major slashing of the salaries of the CEOs. I wholeheartedly agree.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The United States of Corporate Welfare

I’m a baby boomer, and ever since I was a child, all I ever got was how bad and evil Socialism was. Right on the heels of that was the dreaded “Communist” word. The Democratic Party (or “Liberals”) over the decades was harangued by the Right whenever they tried to help our citizens get social services that were needed (Universal Health Care, Social Security, etc.). Somehow this indicated a sinister Communist plot or some such nonsense.

Throughout the years all I’ve heard is Free Market, De-Regulation, and Laissez-faire. My God, it went on and on for decades. There was never any money for the lower or middle classes to enhance their lives; only somehow, there was always money (we’re talking trillions here) for illegal incursions into foreign lands, lending money to our “buddy, buddy” foreign countries, etc. Congress even continually raided the Social Security money stockpile leaving behind worthless IOUs among other reprehensible schemes. The reasons are obvious, I’m incensed about them and I’ll write about some of this egregious behavior another day.

What really gets me is now that those in power and the “money bags” corporations like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and now AIG are getting OUR money for THEIR duplicity (if not outright criminal behavior) in money management. So the people’s “Socialism” (read: helping our fellow citizens in time of need) is a political borderline to the Godless Communists, yet corporate “Socialism” (read: let’s keep the good old boys from the Ivy Schools losing their money and prestige) is now accepted behavior. The spin is lovely: “They are too big to have them fold…the negative impact on the world market is too great.”

How many times over the years were our citizens sneered at and looked down upon if they were on that contemptible dole called “Welfare”? There were even “Welfare Queen” stories through the years. One was embarrassed to use food stamps.

But the well-fed, upper class cronies of the Bush Administration and the mighty multi-national corporations are using OUR taxpayer dollars to bail themselves out. Not their brothers-in-arms and the multi-nationals’ billions, but our money. Now “Corporate Socialism” will become the new social order and, still, the people of this country will not get Universal Health Care, Secure Retirement and government aid. This is disgraceful. As far as I’m concerned this is no longer a society embracing Capitalism. We are now the Corporate Welfare State (though the euphemism will be “bail-out”), and I do not see it changing in the coming decades.

Sadly, I’m convinced that whoever wins this election will maintain the status quo and keep the multi-nationals rolling in the dough through sweetheart deals and give them our taxpayer dollars when they collapse from fraud and mismanagement. I bet you none of the executives of these bailed out banks and mortgage companies will see a day in prison. Of course, we will still have no money to help the citizens of this country… Despicable.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Time Is Now

OK, I’m going to throw in my two cents’ worth re the MSNBC Olbermann/Matthews removal of main election coverage for new host David Gregory. This is so sadly typical. In 2003, MSNBC dropped Phil Donahue, its highest rated program at that time, weeks prior to the Iraqi invasion in abject fear that the network would somehow be painted with an antiwar bias. Never mind that roughly 30% of the population opposed the war at that time and had very little voice in our country. Now, five and a half years later, this maneuver clearly demonstrates the continual mortal fear networks (MSNBC currently in the spotlight) have of the Right, the Republican presidential campaign machine and the Multinational Corporations in control. Anything contrary to their thinking is somehow “unpatriotic,” “biased” and/or “unfair.” Thus, forget “truth” and push the pap in order to keep the "Right" mollified.

I believe the only way to get the truth is to look at the Independent Media and blogosphere. I realize that a lot of bloggers and certain Independent Media have their own agendas, both right and left, but I believe there are those independents that do root out truth, unlike the Mainstream Shills of the Government who want us fat, oblivious, indifferent and complacent.

In my first blog I quoted Noam Chomsky, “It’s out there; all you have to do is look.” Unfortunately in this day and age, one needs to look at the Mainstream spin machines with a very cynical eye and really work hard to find the real truth being covered up. These are perilous times, and we must utilize due diligence to fully understand exactly what is going on and how to right this once magnificent ship called the United States of America. It will be a long process, but we need to start now.

I entreat anyone reading this to make up his or her mind to not listen to the manipulating “regular” press. It has lost all credibility. Nothing they spout can be trusted. Instead, hunt for Truth - find it and share it with whomever you can. We must permanently rid this Malevolent Power that is violently shaking our nation by the scruff of the neck and leading us down a very dark path.

Full, complete awareness is the first step.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Pesky Independent Media

Now I get it. Arrest the Independent Media, who are the only ones devoting extensive coverage to the protests outside the Republican National Convention. That way, no one in this country can see an alternative view to the Super-Polished Republican Agenda being spewed at the Convention. The population will only get the multinationals-controlling Mainstream Media spin, thus giving that extra edge to the Repubs.

Of course, this lends the impression that there is virtually no objection to the “fine” attributes of the Republican Platform. And anyone who would have the temerity to object must be anarchists, or a least “Damned, filthy left wingers who hate our country.”

Unbelievable that esteemed journalist Amy Goodman was arrested (“Conspiracy to Riot”) along with two of her associates for merely covering the protests. Her real “crime” (in my opinion)? Twenty years of challenging the Establishment through her excellent journalistic skills.

Let’s also not forget all the other media representatives and the protestors themselves being unlawfully arrested. Of course, the main reason is to keep them off the streets until the Convention is over and then, for most of the arrestees, the charges will be dropped (see “violation of free speech”). This is what $50 million in security funds can get you.

True, some of them deserve arrest for destructive behavior; however, that does not give the authorities the excuse for generally sweeping up anybody they care to. This is another example of using a sledgehammer to swat a fly (see "Russia v. Georgia"). As many other bloggers are saying, the police actions are comparable to the Federal Government viciously impinging on our citizens’ rights as an excuse to catch terrorists. Tell me again…exactly how many of the million plus names on the air watch list are viable terrorists threats?

So here’s their plan: They’ll just eavesdrop on everybody, search everybody and confiscate everybody’s computers, notes, etc., so we can catch the dreaded terrorists hiding under every bed in America (see “There’s a Red under every bed” motif from the 1950s). If anyone “protests,” arrest them. And “they” say we’re winning this war against terrorism. Hah!

Reprehensible moral of this sordid tale: When the Corporate Representative Hatchet Men (read "Law Enforcement") are completely trashing the inalienable right to protest, best not to attempt to record the proceedings for posterity or you’ll get chewed up in the process.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another Major Blow to Our Rights

First, there was the supposed preventive-strike-against-imminent-aggressors philosophy that got us into Iraq (if you believe the neocons’ spin). Look where that got us. Now, using that same, wonderful mindset, the Minneapolis/St. Paul law enforcement establishment are raiding local residences of those who are planning demonstrations in a mind-numbing display of illogical thinking that this will help minimize the protests that will happen during the Republican convention. In other words, a “Preventive Strike.” Yeah…Right.

How dumb can they be? Not only is this outrageous behavior against all principles of our Constitution and a blatant violation of our rights, it is horrible Public Relations for both cities. Are the rich, elite, upper class of 2% that control the wealth in this country is so powerful that they no longer are worried about the upcoming backlash of the population at such tactics? That or they’re dumb as a rock, and I don’t think that’s the case. The law enforcement establishment is there “To Protect and Serve” all right. Only it’s “To Protect and Serve” the status quo, the elite upper class, the multinational corporations.

I won’t go into the details of all that’s going on, but you can find them here at Glen Greenwald's blog dated August 31, 2008. He's miles ahead of me on the particulars of just about anything. I recommend that he's your First Read of the day.

I just want to add to the blogosphere one more voice expressing the total anathema I have for this egregious behavior. We have a long way to go, people, before this country goes back to what was intended by our forefathers. I hope we can find our way, but it’s looking bleaker and bleaker.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Today, I want to write about a group of proud Americans who are standing tall against the hateful war(s) that the Bush Administration has thrust upon us for the last five plus years.

The Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) held a “Winter Soldier” convention last March in Washington, D.C. These brave men and women, along with the relatives of other soldiers who died or served, came forward to tell their tales of horror while in the war zones of both Iraq and Afghanistan.

I can’t begin to tell you the shocking stories of what these men and women endured and the tragic accounts of relatives who watched their sons and daughters come home completely different than when they left, some resorting to suicide.

Of course, the Mainstream Media virtually ignored this event. I heard that a LexisNexis search (the Mother of all media search engines) on the Convention retrieved one(!) reference - an article in a Washington, D.C. newspaper - and that was in the Metro section! Fortunately, Free Speech TV had extensive coverage so at least those who knew about it were able to see it.

Now, IVAW has taken to the streets of Denver during the Democratic Convention to try to crack through the Media blackout of their grievances. They are performing Guerilla Theatre up and down the avenues showing the public what it’s like to patrol the streets of Baghdad. They demonstrated the raiding of a house and the terror it invokes to the residents. Good for them! Independent News footage show the citizens of Denver somewhat taken aback as these veterans “patrol.” Think how the Iraqi and Afghani citizens must feel in the reality.

The IVAW has three demands that they are placing upon the Powers That Be (whoever they are/will be):

1. The United States immediately withdraw all occupation forces from Iraq. This of course means U.S. combat troops, but also includes U.S. contractors and mercenaries who are exploiting the resources of Iraq. This demand is made with the understanding that the U.S. presence in Iraq contributes directly to the instability of the war-torn country.

2. The United States ensure all veterans receive a comprehensive care plan upon their discharge from the United States Military. This comprehensive care plan must include healthcare, education, and housing, the three of which are currently unaddressed in a sufficient manner.

3. The United States Government agrees to pledge reparations to Iraq for the destruction caused since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003. While it would not be feasible to meet this demand immediately, it is necessary that the U.S. Government formally agree to deliver compensation once Iraq establishes a stable government free of American domination.

This should be the demands of all the people of the United States, not just the IVAW. I wish them success and support them one hundred percent.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The "Class Ceiling"

“An intangible barrier within the hierarchy of a company that prevents women or minorities from obtaining upper-level positions.” This is web site’s definition of a “glass ceiling.”

I propose that our country has had for years a “Class Ceiling,” which I define as an intangible barrier that exists between the extremely wealthy corporations and individuals and the politicians who cater to them, versus the rest of the population. We, the people, are below the ceiling (lower and what’s left of the rapidly diminishing middle class), while the decision making processes that drive us toward poverty and further enrich the top two percent are negotiated above it by the corporations and politicians (upper class).

This duopoly of Democrats and Republicans are products of the same cloth. Look at the “workaround” the multinational corporations are utilizing to throw money at both candidates for President. Tens of millions of dollars are being spent on both conventions by companies like Qwest, Comcast, Xcel Energy (Nuclear Plants) and AT&T, which is providing tote bags with the corporation’s logo emblazoned on them. Some amounts these corporations are “donating” aren’t even being divulged.

All this is being brazenly explained as enhancing and promoting the wonderful cities of Denver and Minneapolis-St. Paul. You actually think these are “political” contributions? Nah! And many of the corporate contributors aren’t even based in these cities. In the end, just as in other sponsored events, we will be inundated with corporate logos wherever the cameras are pointing. At least, the logos will tell us which corporations will be further enriched and let off the hook for any “indulgences” they may get caught at in the next four years.

So as we, the people, look up at the impenetrable ceiling, this money/policy tarantella between the multinationals and the politicos continue. Because of this ceiling we are experiencing what is a paraphrase of T. Boone Pickens current environmental comment: “it’s the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of our country.” Transferring, that is, from the lower 98% of the U.S. population to the upper 2%. This has been an ongoing process for decades, and the end is not in sight. The “Class Ceiling” appears to be made of something definitely stronger than glass.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

News Worth Retching

I'm really sick of mainstream media (MSM). It continually amazes me that with all of the important events occurring in our lives, MSM resorts to trivial, no brainer items. A long time ago, I read that the average IQ is 100. I believe the MSM is catering to the lower half of that mark.

CNN's Headline News is only one half hour long. Each ensuing half hour is a repeat of the previous, including the same copywriting. Of course, a periodic “new in the next half hour” story replaces another that has been repeated a gazillion times and is now time to be retired (only to be resurrected in the “weekend wrap-up”).

I bring this up because I happened to see on Headline News this morning about a “Minute Market” type store clerk who fended off a shotgun wielding robber by repeatedly refusing his demands and attacking him, thus “saving the day,” and the obligatory follow up interview with the feisty clerk.

Off the top of my head I can think of the Iraqi War, the Afghan War, the Economy, the Gas Crisis, Russia v. Georgia, the candidates’ stands on the issues (not fluff pieces) in the upcoming Election, and Guantanamo Bay as slightly more important items than "woman beats up robber."

Headline News has maybe 22 noncommercial minutes to air the headlines minus the weather and sports. Yet, this is THE news story to take up some of this short, valuable time that could be used to inform the public of important issues confronting them?

What’s even sadder is if the clerk had been shot and killed for her defiance it would never have made Headline News, seeing as how local store clerks having been murdered during a robbery is not newsworthy on a national level.

Plus, doesn’t this somehow promote the concept that defiance should be used in the face of armed robbers? Has anyone ever run a statistic on the percentage of defiance that has been successful as opposed to the result of being injured or killed? Can’t you just see some poor zhlub watching this pathetic display on H.N. and thinking he or she is going to thwart the bad guy if a robbery ever happens in their store (“Hey, I’ll be on Headline News!”)? Of course, if he or she is killed because of the defiance, we’ll never hear it on Headlines News. Pitiful.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

RFID = Invasion of Privacy

While watching the International News Net World Report yesterday, I came across an interesting “marketing” tool that I’m sure will be (for better or worse, more likely worse) very ubiquitous in the future. Major retail outlets such as Wal-Mart are trying to insert “Radio Frequency Identification” (RFID) tags in all of their items for sale. The grand idea is to have every product on the planet tagged with its own unique number which can then be tracked.

If one thinks about it, this can have very chilling consequences. Basically, consumers can be monitored 24/7. Once in place, the tags can be tracked for the life of the item, letting those who are doing the tracking follow the exact movements of the buyer of the product.

Dr. Kathryn Albrecht and Liz McIntyre have a website concerning this issue. They list many possibilities (probabilities?) that this technology can be used to invade one’s privacy and enable the corporations to track or manipulate the consumer.

What’s amazing is how the marketers are able to keep this invasion of privacy virtually out of any public scrutiny. Dr. Albrecht pointed out in the interview I saw that they have tried many times to have states enact laws making it mandatory that products utilizing this technology plainly brand their packages that an RFID is located within the product. Nowadays if there is any branding, it’s a very small tag in an obscure location. Each state they have tried to pass a law, hordes of lobbyists invade and throw major bucks around to quash the bills. Not one has passed. It makes one wonder why the secrecy? What’s so important that they don’t want us to know about?

Finally, think about how vulnerable to an illegal scan a person is. I was sent a “no swipe” credit card without asking my permission first (“Congratulations, card owner!”) making it seem that my life had just become a more beautiful thing because of their generosity and technological prowess. They didn’t deem it worth mentioning, however, that if a criminal were to obtain a scanner, he or she could scan me without my knowledge and receive my personal information such as name, address, credit card number, expiration date, etc. and utilize it to rip me off or at least the credit card company which we the consumer will pay for in the long run.

It’s imperative that this invasion of privacy be subject to public scrutiny and as closely monitored as they want to monitor us.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Georgia's Misplay

Let me get this straight. I know this is a bit simplistic, but from what I understand, the country of Georgia decided that with all the world hoopla and distraction of the Olympics, no one would pay attention to its teaching neighboring country Osettia an object lesson via military strikes. The reason was to retaliate for the Ossetia population favoring to be under the Russian umbrella instead of Georgia.

And, in the typical Russian fashion of using a sledgehammer to swat a fly, Georgia was hammered big time for its temerity. Of course, it always helps the Russian cause (as in "any excuse will do") that Georgia has an oil pipeline running through the country straight to the Caspian Sea. Good excuse for a protracted invasion, wouldn’t one think?

Also, as I see it, Georgia was under the mistaken impression the good ol’ U.S. of A. would back her play, seeing as how her President is “American Educated,” and in the past former Soviet satellite countries were wooed by us, and so forth. Oops. Big Mistake. As we can see, the good ol’ U.S. of A. Administration is very good at standing on the sidelines and dry washing its hands in anguish.

I realize it’s all more complex than this, but come on! Relying on the Bush Administration for anything is a major mistake. They are a lame duck outfit, maintaining a low profile, going through the paces, and scrambling to avoid all the investigations of its past actions coming down the pike. And now, you want them to be standing tall next to you in grand defiance of the great Red Machine?

Another disgusting piece of this sad tale is the Mainstream Media boohooing for poor old Georgia when they initiated the mess in the first place. Typically, once again they are the mouthpiece for the Bush Administration.

As in so many other cases, the worst part is all the innocent lives being destroyed, because of a group of egoistic government officials having delusions of grandeur.

The moral of this horrible tale? You fool around with a bear, and you’re going to get mauled.

Monday, August 18, 2008

What "Freedom of Speech"?

Last Thursday on GritTV, Laura Flanders had as a guest Ms. Laurie Arbeiter, an artist and activist from “The Critical Voice” organization. She told the story of her being arrested in a Senate chamber where a discussion of the expansion of the Presidency was being held. Her crime? Wearing a shirt that said, “Arrest Cheney First.” Her charge was something to the effect of “Disrupting a Senate Hearing.”

Keep in mind she was just sitting there, minding her own business, not saying a word, listening to the issues. She was summarily escorted out of the room and then handcuffed in the hallway. After this humiliating occurrence, she subsequently went to her arraignment whereupon the charges were dropped. Excuse me?

This is blatant harassment of an American Citizen who was silently objecting to what she believed was an injustice in our country. As she stated on Ms. Flanders’ show, this is a common fear tactic used by those in power to scare individuals from legally expressing their viewpoints.

Another disgusting example of this is Carol Kreck being ticketed and threatened to be arrested if she did not leave a public area simply because she was displaying a “McCain = Bush” sign. Again, minding her own business, not saying a word. Those in power are hoping that by the masses seeing what can happen to someone who peacefully disputes the status quo, no one will come forward in any manner, peacefully silent or otherwise, to challenge authority, thus letting TPTB continue their agenda without interference.

This is not the country I grew up in. This is not the country which can set an example for the rest of the world to respect. This is not the country I want for the future. Free Speech is an inherent right granted us by the Constitution, and no way is the wearing of a shirt with a message counter to the agenda of those in power a violation of that right or an excuse to illegally harass the protestor.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We've Been Had

The (neo)con men are about to leave town, not having a hand laid on them (OK, Scooter Libby, but he got a “get out of jail free card,” and he’ll be pardoned along with the rest of them). They are so good that one of the operators can unabashedly say publicly none of them are going to be held responsible: “Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime.” – Attorney General Michael Mukasey. This heralds the setup of a very successful exit for these grifters after having fleeced the American people of billions of dollars for them and their pals.

Back in 2000, the ropers (RNC) got enough marks (The Misguided Electorate) voting for these hucksters that it allowed the “A Team” (The Supreme Court) to thrust the con artists into the most powerful positions in the world. From there it was simple. Twist the worst thing to happen to the United States since Pearl Harbor (9/11) into pushing through their agenda (See “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein), then con the marks again(!), only this time into playing their “saving the world from mass destruction” Three Card Monte Game (Nuclear, Chemical, Biological) and, finally, grossly enrich the pockets of the Multinational Corporations during the eight-year swindle. The scam still goes on to this day: “It was bad intelligence…honest!”

First, the little fish now get off the hook courtesy Mr. Mukasey. Next, the absolution will proceed upward to the big fish. Then the confidence team will ditch town extremely wealthy, free as birds, and the Sting will be complete as they leave this country saddled with an almost insurmountable debt, plus draconian surveillance and interrogation laws in place. By January 20th no one will be accountable for anything the con artists’ administration has done for the last eight years.

What a shame. The most tragic part is that none of these scoundrels will be held accountable for sending over 4,000 Americans (and counting) and one million Iraqis (and counting) to their deaths with additional millions of grieving family members. The only hope we have is if the International Courts take a very hard look at what has transpired under this elaborate con and do what’s right.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Native Americans - Screwed Again

Last Thursday (August 7) yet another injustice was done to the Native American Indian. U.S. District Judge James Robertson awarded $455.6 million as compensation for the 100+ years’ ineptitude of the Department of Interior. This is far short of the $47 billion sought.

I am appalled at the way the Native Americans are being treated regarding this matter. It has taken over 12 years just to get this far, and for the “honorable” Judge Robertson to disregard such obvious incompetence from the Department of the Interior starting as far back as 1887 astounds me.

You can find more detailed information here, but suffice to say that the Native Americans were truly shafted - Big Time. In 1887, The Department of the Interior placed in trust all monies owed the Indians for the use of the natural resources on their reservations. It turns out that no accounting was maintained over this trust - ever. According to Elouise Cobell, a member of the Blackfeet tribe and lead plaintiff in the suit, the trust fund was constantly raided by Congress over the last century plus for such things as balancing the budget.

So a century and a quarter later, Indians who had oil wells pumping in their back yard were living in abject poverty, plaintively asking where the money was that they were owed. Fortunately, Ms. Cobell became aware of this impropriety and filed a class action suit in 1996.

It is an absolute tragedy that relatively no one knows about this travesty. It barely is noticed by anyone, and certainly mainstream media is ignoring the story. I’ve been aware of this for some time, and even though I try to stay informed, it took three days for me to discover a decision had been handed down. However, at least there are those in the independent media and the blogosphere who are making noise about this egregious behavior by our government. It saddens me that Native Americans owed vast amounts of compensation are dying as this case moves so slowly through the court system.

Ms. Cobell is appealing this horrible decision, and I truly hope that in the end she and our fellow countrymen, the Native Americans, are vindicated.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Freedom of Religion?

It is my understanding that one of the big reasons our ancestors came over to this country was to flee from religious persecution. In this New World, they would be able to practice their own religion without any interference from those who did not agree with their theologies.

Flash forward to the present. The descendants of these immigrants to the New World are now viciously imposing their religious beliefs into the people of this country. What a turnaround. This is not acceptable.

What does it say about us that those running for political offices are required to believe in God and go to church regularly or they are not “qualified” to represent us? What do those criteria have to do with running the country? And this religious concept is just a given. It is tacitly understood that to run for high offices in this country you must believe in God. If you don’t, don’t bother running. Even if you do believe in God, it has to be the right one. The latest example, of course, is Mitt Romney – Mormon. Sorry, Mitt, wrong God. Gotta be your good ol’ basic Christian one. You lose.

Besides, can’t a person be of good moral fiber without the belief in a superior being, or maintaining a continual visit to some “spiritual” edifice (read church, synagogue, etc.) to prove that he is a “God Fearing” man? And shouldn’t he or she be able to hold office to help his constituency, even though he or she may be (shudder!) an atheist? The ultimate hypocrisy in all this is that most religions advocate some sort of “be kind to your neighbor” attitude. Yet, woe be unto you if you’re not of the same bent. How many great men and women throughout history have chosen not to contribute their talents and expertise to our society because of this religious duplicity?

Just who do these religious zealots think they are attempting to impose their moral standards on the country? It continually amazes me that these self-righteous cretins dare to think that their interpretation of religion is the only way, and we must adhere to their narrow-minded, bigoted sense of morality or else.

I’m not even going to go into the pure hypocrisy of the fundamentalist leaders who use poor people’s donations in order to live the high life and supposedly serve as their “messenger” to God and Salvation, meanwhile maintaining impious, sleazy lifestyles (Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, and who knows how many out there who have yet to be caught in flagrante delicto.). That’s a separate blog altogether.

Our country has a puritanical mindset. Way more conservative than other industrialized nations. How did it come to this? Logic would dictate that those coming here to the New World would hand down the story of how religious bigotry drove them here, and one must tolerate all types of spiritual thinking. I guess one must conclude that the immigrants came here not to escape the persecution from the Old World but to impose their own persecution to others in the New World. I’m sure there are scholars out there who have extensively researched this subject. This is just my layman’s take on the whole mess.

Voltaire said, “If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent Him.” My contention is, “Find your own path to peace and spirituality, and enjoy this one life we have to its fullest without forcing it on others.”

Sunday, August 10, 2008

This Isn't Us!

I was watching The Bourne Ultimatum yesterday, and a line near the end of the film made me pause for a bit. Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) is asking CIA agent Pamela Landy (Joan Allen) why she was helping him. Her response was, "This isn't what I signed up for. This isn't us!"

Boy, Howdy, Amen! Also in real life, "this" hasn't been "us" for a very long time. When I was in high school during the middle 60s, we had a mandatory class called "Contemporary American Problems" or "CAP class," for short. This was in California, though there were similar classes throughout the country. We learned about how our government works, who was running it. We had to learn who the cabinet members were and their responsibilities, the line of succession to the Presidency, etc. It was a great class, and it helped give us "soon-to-be-adults-running-the-country" a perspective on just who we as a country were, how our country functioned and our place in the world. Today, I wonder how many high school students know who our Vice-President is, let alone who's third in line for the Presidency.

I looked at Washington, D.C. with respect. A powerful force in World Affairs, trying to be a fair and just participant in the global environment. I remember watching Mr. Smith Goes to Washington with awe, getting a view of how the Senate works, respecting Congress, and how a few bad apples can be tamed into submission through the fairy tale of filibustering. Silly me!

What the hell happened? Aren't we as a "democracy" supposed to be the reasonable voice in World Politics? Of course, the sad part is that those now in power are the very ones that took the same class that I did. That were exposed to the same domestic and global mind set. They were the successors to our government. They lived through the fraud and selling of the Vietnam War, the Peace Movement ("Make love, not war!") and Watergate. What exactly did they learn from all that? Obviously, not the same things I did.

Now I look at both houses of Congress as inept, sycophantic tools to the Executive Branch and its Corporate Partners. I have absolutely no respect for them. I see nothing in the future to change my viewpoint. Until Congress can stand up and exert its authority and be regarded as a viable third member of the checks and balances that our Framers of the Constitution intended, I will consider both houses as nothing but shills for the Executive Branch. We need to excise the mealy-mouthed Nancy Pelosis and Harry Reids and their Corporate Sponsors. Our country is dangerously close to losing our democracy brand and becoming a plutocracy, possibly an oligarchy. I'm sure some believe we already have lost the democracy brand.

So, what the hell did happen? My best guess is that my peers at the time fell into the trap of the "Mr. Smith..." character Senator Paine (Claude Rains). They came into the political world full of bright ideas and missions, but the lust for money and power at any cost corrupted them. Maybe acts such as pardoning Nixon taught certain soon-to-be powerful individuals that you can get away with "high crimes and misdemeanors." To hell with the "people" of the United States...All hail the mighty Multi-National Corporations of the United States! And, sadly, there will be no Hollywood Ending similar to Senator Paine breaking down to save the day for Jefferson Smith (or our country).

The good news is that we now have the Internet. Can anyone imagine what would be the current state of affairs if we did not have this wonderful tool to utilize as a real information source and as a community watchdog? We can use it to disseminate the real truth and not be solely subjected to Mainstream Media's "Ministry of Truth."

The bottom line is that it will never be up to one naive Jefferson Smith to come to the rescue, but to all of us who live in this country savvy enough to do what is needed to realize the full potential that the U.S.A. can be.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chevron Resorts to Bully Tactics

It appears more bad behavior is exuding from multinational corporation oil giant Chevron. It seems that the company destroyed the Amazon rain forest in the backyard of Ecuador in its eternal hunt for profits. Now the 30,000 residents living in the backyard are suing Chevron to the tune of $12 billion in damages for dumping vast amounts of toxic waste into the Amazon and surrounding area. And Chevron's response?

According to Michael Isikoff, an investigative reporter for Newsweek magazine, Chevron has hired lobbyists Wayne Berman, John Breaux and Trent Lott to pressure the Bush Administration into imposing economic sanctions against the country of Ecuador if the suit isn't dropped. To top it off, a "spokesperson" from Chevron has been quoted as saying, "We can't let little countries screw around with big companies like this." Excuse me???

This is exactly the kind of behavior that gives the U.S. a major black eye. How dare a corporation go in, destroy the land and waters of another country, and blithely walk away from it as if nothing happened! It's Chevron's mess, now they need to clean it up - to its original pristine condition.

The Government should look the corporation straight in the eye and tell them that major economic sanctions will be imposed on them if they don't restore the land they've destroyed and adequately compensate the population who have suffered from the toxic chemicals in any manner that is needed. Furthermore, Chevron will restore all the lands around the world that they've willfully contaminated and compensate the people affected. Finally, use environmentally safe procedures on any future exploration/drilling/refining activities...or else.

I believe that the name of the corporate bureaucrat who made the "screw with us" statement should be outed, his name and face plastered all over the Internet. He just doesn't get it. He, along with the three lobbyists - "Curly, Larry and Moe" - who don't give a rat's a** about human decency, should be forced to go to Ecuador and aid "hands on" in the cleanup for however long it takes. Now that would stop these "guns for hire" lobbyists taking up causes with such obvious amoral agendas - all in the name of money.

If the administration actually threatens (aka "blackmails") Ecuador, I hope President Correa is able to tell them to take a flying leap.

Speaking of President Correa, I loved what he said to the American government after they asked him to renew the lease the U.S. had with them for an in-country military base: "We'll renew the base on one condition: that they let us put a base in Miami -- an Ecuadorean base. If there's no problem having foreign soldiers on a country's soil, surely they'll let us have an Ecuadorean base in the United States." Now that's my kind of guy!

The U.S. is now looking at other countries for its base.

I want to thank Amy Goodman's in-depth interview on "Democracy Now!" for steering me onto this story. You can read the interview here.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Real #1 Issue

This has been troubling me for a long time. I cannot believe that the number one issue in the United States is the economy and has been for months. Is our nation so desensitized that the thousands of deaths of Americans and hundreds of thousands of deaths of Iraqis are of lesser importance than monetary matters? This is outrageous!

Joseph Stalin once said "the death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic." Sadly, the Iraqi War is proving that statement once again. We have endured many economic crises in our history and there has always been recovery. That's the key: regardless of the causes, this one will be over (for better or worse) and we move on. The death of even one human being is permanent. One death...over...gone forever. No recovery, no moving on. Multiply that by one million, plus the families and friends of each of those million who will be permanently affected for the rest of their lives and the repercussions are beyond calculation.

How on Earth can the economy be the number one issue? I attribute it to several factors.

One, the insistence of the Bush Administration to censor the press from documenting the realities of war (the mutilated bodies, the coffins being flown home, the burials). I believe if the American people could see the realities of war up close and personal there would be such a backlash that an immediate demand for the war to end would occur. I realize this would be a difficult task, given that the mainstream media gleefully accedes to the demands of the Administration, but hopefully, the world press and independent media could get the message across to the country.

Two, the mainstream media is deliberately downplaying the events in Iraq ("Not good for the ratings"). My favorite example is CNN touting constantly "Issue #1 - The Economy" in its promos and chyron. I believe it has now become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Keep hammering to the viewers that the economy is "issue number one" and they will accept it. Can't you just envision a poller calling a CNN viewer and asking what's the number one issue? Of course, the drilling into the psyche by CNN will evoke a response of "the economy." Welcome to the Circle Game.

Three, the inurement factor. We've been there a long time and our senses have grown calloused to the whole situation. The deaths become "statistics." We begin to accept it as a normal happening in our lives. In other words, "The Permanent War."

Finally, besides censorship, the Bush Administration is purposefully downplaying the war in order to further their agenda in the Middle East without the irritation of scrutiny. It's much easier to get all the Middle East ducks in a row when no one is paying attention. Using legerdemain-like skills, have the masses watch the left hand (it's the economy, the number one issue!) while the right hand is doing the Middle East Shuffle.

I don't care what your beliefs are regarding post mortem, once an individual dies that's it on this plane. That person will never come back...I repeat, never. And for what, exactly? One living, breathing human being permanently obliterated times one million just to enhance the profits of multi-national corporations? What price oil?

So while we are all busy worrying about the "#1 issue" - the economy, one by one, more deaths are occurring. And nobody is getting it! Think of the last loved one you lost. Feel it...remember how badly it hurt. It's happening everyday to someone here and in Iraq. Every day. Right this minute. As a million times previously. We need to understand the ghastly intimacy of death, the horror, the graphic details in order to get our priorities straight. This massacre must stop. Now. It's the number one issue.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And so it begins...

I start this blog site with a fair amount of trepidation for obvious reasons. My view of our country and the world has had a dramatic turn in the last eight months. It is with deep regret that over the span of my life I've never really paid that close attention to the inner workings of our government and its behavior toward its citizens and the rest of world. As an example, I actually let the endless drone of our "bringing democracy" to other countries settle into my mindset as gospel. Iran/Contra? Panama? Whatever...

Fortunately, last November I was approached by a friend who asked me if I was watching a show entitled Democracy Now! with a person named Amy Goodman anchoring. It was on a network that I'd never noticed called Free Speech TV. That was my epiphany. I realized there was more going on than what I was getting from mainstream media.

Once I got into the habit of viewing FSTV, I found another brilliant person who presented a world view that I had never considered. His name: Noam Chomsky. My first exposure to him was the documentary "Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without a Pause," and thus started my odyssey into "The Real World." Wow! And so it went, finding more and more people in the blogosphere who were taking to task those in power for their egregious behavior. It was Mr. Chomsky who said the words that really got me interested in the world of geopolitics. He simply stated, "It's out there, all you have to do is look."

From those eloquently few words, I have been voraciously reading and watching documentaries...trying to play catch-up with the world - its past, present and future. My daily blog reads include Glen Greenwald, The Huffington Post, The Nation and Crooks and Liars to name a few. I've been commenting here and there, sorta like dipping my toes into the political waters.

I am sick and heartbroken to discover the direction our country has taken in the last several decades. Even though I still feel like I'm taking baby steps in trying to understand all that's going on, it's now important for me to begin publishing my thoughts and ideas on various subjects regarding our country. I believe the old cliche that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step can be reworked to pertain to the blogosphere. One blogger caring for our country turns into thousands of bloggers, then into the tens and hundreds of thousands. That is why I now want to be one blogger of the many. Together, the thousands of us can help rebuild this country into one all Americans can be proud of and have world citizens respect the U.S.A. as a valued, contributing member of the planet Earth.

I am on the downhill side of my life, but I plan on devoting the rest of it in keeping due diligence on the Powers That Be. Hopefully, my one small blog will help magnify the exposure of those who would pillage our people and country in order to fulfill their own agendas. I don't have money or influence, but hopefully this blog will be one more brick to wall them up. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that a lot of my future postings will be somewhat downbeat, even a bit vitriolic considering the current situation existing in our country and the world. Whatever the tenor of the postings, I hope that the reader will understand my passion behind it.

I am in no way an insider. I have no sources that are going to impart information to me that isn't already known to the astute blogging community. All I will be able to do is re-post the information that's "out there" and write my perspectives on the same. Maybe, if enough new people do the same as I and join the already potent blogging community, we can make an even bigger difference than there is already.