A couple of days ago, Janine Boneparth of CODEPINK tried to put Karl Rove under citizen’s arrest. He was at the annual Mortgage Bankers’ Association. Good for her! According to their web site, “CODEPINK has been birddogging Karl Rove as he tours the country…”
I believe all of us should join CODEPINK in this endeavor. The Public should unite to hound these B******s in the Bush Administration (former and current) who led us into the murder of thousands of our soldiers and hundreds of thousands Iraqis.
In a coordinated mass effort by us, wherever they go in public, we (the local populace) should attempt to place them under citizen’s arrest. Their only recourse would be to go to security ridden venues via security vehicles. They should never be allowed to have access to public venues whatsoever. Let them never see the light of public space. Drive them into the dark where the Gollums (if there were such creatures) of the world live.
By all rights, they should be rotting in jail. Since the Power Structure currently entrenched here in America will not pursue these scumbags, we should endeavor to make sure they will live in fear of being harassed by us if they EVER come into our space.
I truly hope that one day, someone will have the courage to haul these criminals before a tribunal and finally make them pay for these egregious crimes.
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