I start this blog site with a fair amount of trepidation for obvious reasons. My view of our country and the world has had a dramatic turn in the last eight months. It is with deep regret that over the span of my life I've never really paid that close attention to the inner workings of our government and its behavior toward its citizens and the rest of world. As an example, I actually let the endless drone of our "bringing democracy" to other countries settle into my mindset as gospel. Iran/Contra? Panama? Whatever...
Fortunately, last November I was approached by a friend who asked me if I was watching a show entitled Democracy Now! with a person named Amy Goodman anchoring. It was on a network that I'd never noticed called Free Speech TV. That was my epiphany. I realized there was more going on than what I was getting from mainstream media.
Once I got into the habit of viewing FSTV, I found another brilliant person who presented a world view that I had never considered. His name: Noam Chomsky. My first exposure to him was the documentary "Noam Chomsky: Rebel Without a Pause," and thus started my odyssey into "The Real World." Wow! And so it went, finding more and more people in the blogosphere who were taking to task those in power for their egregious behavior. It was Mr. Chomsky who said the words that really got me interested in the world of geopolitics. He simply stated, "It's out there, all you have to do is look."
From those eloquently few words, I have been voraciously reading and watching documentaries...trying to play catch-up with the world - its past, present and future. My daily blog reads include Glen Greenwald, The Huffington Post, The Nation and Crooks and Liars to name a few. I've been commenting here and there, sorta like dipping my toes into the political waters.
I am sick and heartbroken to discover the direction our country has taken in the last several decades. Even though I still feel like I'm taking baby steps in trying to understand all that's going on, it's now important for me to begin publishing my thoughts and ideas on various subjects regarding our country. I believe the old cliche that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step can be reworked to pertain to the blogosphere. One blogger caring for our country turns into thousands of bloggers, then into the tens and hundreds of thousands. That is why I now want to be one blogger of the many. Together, the thousands of us can help rebuild this country into one all Americans can be proud of and have world citizens respect the U.S.A. as a valued, contributing member of the planet Earth.
I am on the downhill side of my life, but I plan on devoting the rest of it in keeping due diligence on the Powers That Be. Hopefully, my one small blog will help magnify the exposure of those who would pillage our people and country in order to fulfill their own agendas. I don't have money or influence, but hopefully this blog will be one more brick to wall them up. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that a lot of my future postings will be somewhat downbeat, even a bit vitriolic considering the current situation existing in our country and the world. Whatever the tenor of the postings, I hope that the reader will understand my passion behind it.
I am in no way an insider. I have no sources that are going to impart information to me that isn't already known to the astute blogging community. All I will be able to do is re-post the information that's "out there" and write my perspectives on the same. Maybe, if enough new people do the same as I and join the already potent blogging community, we can make an even bigger difference than there is already.
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