Last night I watched “Who Killed the Electric Car?” This documentary clearly demonstrates that GM and the other car companies have absolutely no interest in anything but the bottom line and acquiescing to the oil companies. They actually had the audacity to say that they were building the big cars because that’s what the people wanted. Never mind that there was a waiting list for more of the electric cars that they were building. They were more interested in immediate bottom line profits than thinking ahead.
To watch GM and the other car companies today begging for money bailouts is disgusting. They had their chance and they blew it. I have absolutely no sympathy for these clowns. They were totally into absolute profit (bigger cars equal bigger profits) and, in addition, acquiesced to the oil companies and their agenda. Screw ‘em.
I won’t get into all that the film presented, which demonstrated the total amorality of these executives (I recommend to the reader of this post to view the film); however, based on their behavior, these bozos must go.
I, personally, want the entire industry to fold up its tents and begin from square one with entrepreneurs who have a grasp of what’s needed now and in the future. Unfortunately, myself being “economic theory” challenged, I don’t have a clue as to how serious of a total collapse of the industry would be to our country as a whole. That’s for those in the know to determine.
If we must keep these pathetic companies in place, I believe two events must occur before bailing the industry out. First, fire these bastards. The entire executive management teams should be gone - now, and then bring in new blood. Second, a strong plan that calls for the retooling of the plants to adapt to the 21st century. Design electrical vehicles (hey, maybe bring back that fantastic Electric Car that they crushed out in the Arizona desert – what a concept!) and work on practical solar applications as well.
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