Saturday, November 29, 2008


Here it is, Thanksgiving weekend. There are, I’m sure, about a bazillion people writing, blogging and talking about what they are thankful for, so I will jump into the fray and mention one very important thing for which I’m am grateful and will continue to give thanks.

I am so thankful for me and those who are much more eloquent than I to be able to write blogs giving constructive criticism about our government without fear of reprisals (a caveat: as yet).

As far as I’m concerned this country has gone to hell in a hand basket for about the last thirty years. I see really not much radical change for the better in the ensuing Obama administration; however, like so many others I’m willing to establish a wait and see attitude. I see Barack Obama as a very astute and bright person. I truly hope he can resist the tremendous pressure he will be under by the Washington, D.C. establishment, the financial institutions and the military industrial complex. I have my doubts, but we’ll see…

But back to my point. Though I’m am so grateful for not having to worry about “Someone in Authority” violently knocking on my door for criticizing The Powers That Be (TPTB), I see a crack in the dyke that could spell big trouble. I’m referring to CNN reporter Drew Griffin. It appears that Mr. Griffin was suddenly on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) watch list after he aired a report criticizing the TSA about having over 1,000,000 people on said watch list. Since that report, every time that Mr. Griffin tries to board an aircraft, he is “detained.” Right after the report this began happening. Hmmm… Sounds like a reprisal to me. Of course, the TSA denies any connection. Right…and there is an Easter Bunny.

Sadly, I can imagine that there is this powerful search engine utilized by the government culling through the blogosphere looking for keywords/phrases that might target negative viewpoints of those not in agreement with TPTB. We need to be sure that we identify any activity by the government against people such as Mr. Griffin, and expose it loudly. We cannot let this slip by under the radar.

I want to be thankful every day that I can freely comment on our country both positively and negatively without negative repercussions for decades to come.

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