Now I get it. Arrest the Independent Media, who are the only ones devoting extensive coverage to the protests outside the Republican National Convention. That way, no one in this country can see an alternative view to the Super-Polished Republican Agenda being spewed at the Convention. The population will only get the multinationals-controlling Mainstream Media spin, thus giving that extra edge to the Repubs.
Of course, this lends the impression that there is virtually no objection to the “fine” attributes of the Republican Platform. And anyone who would have the temerity to object must be anarchists, or a least “Damned, filthy left wingers who hate our country.”
Unbelievable that esteemed journalist Amy Goodman was arrested (“Conspiracy to Riot”) along with two of her associates for merely covering the protests. Her real “crime” (in my opinion)? Twenty years of challenging the Establishment through her excellent journalistic skills.
Let’s also not forget all the other media representatives and the protestors themselves being unlawfully arrested. Of course, the main reason is to keep them off the streets until the Convention is over and then, for most of the arrestees, the charges will be dropped (see “violation of free speech”). This is what $50 million in security funds can get you.
True, some of them deserve arrest for destructive behavior; however, that does not give the authorities the excuse for generally sweeping up anybody they care to. This is another example of using a sledgehammer to swat a fly (see "Russia v. Georgia"). As many other bloggers are saying, the police actions are comparable to the Federal Government viciously impinging on our citizens’ rights as an excuse to catch terrorists. Tell me again…exactly how many of the million plus names on the air watch list are viable terrorists threats?
So here’s their plan: They’ll just eavesdrop on everybody, search everybody and confiscate everybody’s computers, notes, etc., so we can catch the dreaded terrorists hiding under every bed in America (see “There’s a Red under every bed” motif from the 1950s). If anyone “protests,” arrest them. And “they” say we’re winning this war against terrorism. Hah!
Reprehensible moral of this sordid tale: When the Corporate Representative Hatchet Men (read "Law Enforcement") are completely trashing the inalienable right to protest, best not to attempt to record the proceedings for posterity or you’ll get chewed up in the process.
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