Thursday, June 1, 2017

Thoughts on this 'n' that

So FvC is going to announce his decision re the Paris Climate Agreement today at 12 PDT. He's still playing the Reality TV show. Blech! I won't watch. There are two schools of thought floating around. The most prevalent is that he has decided to pull out. for the past 24 hours, I've seen a lot of moaning about how devastating that would be. The other idea is that he will stay in and spin the tail that Ivanka and Jared talked him into staying, thus giving them a modicum of influence and credibility.

Being who he is, there is absolutely no way to foretell which direction he will take. If he decides to stay, I hope no one will take seriously that Ivanka and Jared are that much more respectable.

I am really getting sick of CNN bringing on the clowns who defend this administration. The Jeffrey Lords and Jason Millers have GOT to go!

This is a terrible time for our country. I can't believe the actions that are being taken by the people. A noose found in an African American History Museum? Two men killed and another seriously injured in the defense of Muslims (Meanwhile the perpetrator is screaming in court that it was a patriotic act)? A reporter physically assaulted by a candidate and the candidate gets elected anyway (To top it off, when he finally got around to apologizing, a woman in the audience yelled, "We forgive you!")? WTF, over?

Putin now says the Kremlin didn't perpetrate the cyberattacks; however, "patriotically minded" hackers could have done it. According to chess great Garry Kasparov, "Putin's typical pattern of angry denial followed by winking denial, usually followed by tacit admission & then domestic boasting. eg Crimea"

It seems to me that all these ethics waivers to White House staff is highly unethical.

I never want to see "covfefe" again! Way overblown!

Good for Martina Navratilova calling out Margaret Court's bigotry and homophobia.

And finally, today is the 50th anniversary of Sgt. Pepper. It was 50 years ago today... Happy birthday!

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