So here we are. One of two things will occur in the future of the United States.
Our country is being severely damaged by FvC*. The questions are will our country be so severely damaged that there is no recovery or will the country be able to outlast the tenure of FvC, whether he is ousted prematurely or serves the full eight years. That is the race.
I admit that we were going to hell in a handbasket before FvC got into office, but he is just speeding up and exacerbating the dysfunction.
Amy Siskind, bless her heart, has been compiling a weekly list of events occurring which are leading our country down the path to our becoming an authoritarian state. As she puts it, "Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you'll remember." It's great that she's starting to get national attention.
Who will win? The Powers That Be, who wish to dismantle this great country and make it the permanent play toy of the powerful and wealthy, or we, the people, saving ourselves from irreparable harm. As the cliché goes, "Time will tell."
*Fuckface von Clownstick, courtesy Jon Stewart
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