This really chaps my ass. For days the press has been asking anyone in the administration if FvC* believes in climate change. The administration refuses to answer, usually stating ignorance of his position.
LISTEN, PEOPLE! He flatly stated in tweets that climate change was a hoax perpetrated by China. There! That's it! Done deal! Run with it. Who cares if he "still believes"? Let him stand by what he has said in the past until he personally revises it ON HIS OWN, without any prodding.
Because it's on record that he doesn't believe, why don't the reporters, when discussing things such as his withdrawal from the Paris Accord, say something like, "The President, who believes climate change is a hoax created by China, ..."
It's that simple. Once everyone starts saying that, maybe, just maybe, FvC will issue a correction. If not, fuck him.
Let it forever be on the record until otherwise changed that FvC does not believe in climate change. How hard is that, oh people of the Fourth Estate?
You know, the press is fumbling all over themselves with this subject just like they did with FvC's birth certificate nonsense. And FvC is eating it up! We do have a dumb Fourth Estate.
*Fuckface von Clownstick, (Courtesy Jon Stewart)
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