The title of this post has to be FvC's mantra.
Today another great one. He implied that Andrew Jackson was alive during the Civil War. Unfortunately, Jackson died in 1845. FvC got a lot of grief over it all day until, finally, he tried very feebly to extricate himself by tweeting, "President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry. Would never have let it happen."
Nice try, Slick! Doesn't wash.
Others have said it, but I agree that whenever FvC says, "Many people don't know..." he really means, "I just heard this for the first time." A classic example is when FvC said (and I'm paraphrasing) that many people don't know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Yeah, right. I would love to know the time differential between his discovering the fact himself and the statement.
In other news, all day the buzz has been that the FvC administration was ending Michelle Obama's female education initiative. Gee, guess what happened late today? According to The Hill blog, a White House spokeswoman stated, "There have been no changes to the program." She attributes the confusion to the fact that the initial "memo was sent due to 'internal confusion.'" Wow, that two-word phrase could be the administration's National Anthem!
Another one bites the dust: Bill Shine, Co-President of Fox News, tendered his resignation this morning. He was instrumental in allowing the sexual harassment by employees to fester within the company.
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross treated FvC's missile strike in Syria quite lightly by stating it was "after-dinner entertainment." He also stated, "The thing was, it didn't cost the president anything to have that entertainment." Well, it cost the taxpayers probably something north of $100 million. It might also have cost Syrian lives. What a pathetic miscreant to say something like that!
I love seeing pundits taking FvC to task for his cozying up to authoritarians around the world. They are shocked, SHOCKED by his actions. Never mind that past administrations have been doing the same exact thing, sometimes worse. Or did we forget Hillary's praising of authoritarian Mubarak of Egypt, Obama's embracing the head of Saudi Arabia, Clinton aiding Yeltsin to stay in power in Russia during the 90s, the installing of Pinochet in Chile by overthrowing a duly elected President, etc.? It's been going on for decades.
What a world...what a world...
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