So the miscreants at the House passed the AHCA. Truly terrible. Fortunately, this now goes to the Senate, and hopefully, it will die there and the ACA will remain in place.
The mission now is to get as many of those Republicans who voted for it out of office in 2018. As I wrote in a previous post, anyone who votes for these monsters are just as guilty as they are.
On a lighter note, FvC praised the Australian PM tonight saying that Australia had a better health care system than we do. Funny thing about that: Australia is on a universal health care system. Bernie Sanders had a great laugh about it on Chris Hayes' show, and he said he would make sure to bring that up in the Senate.
I can hardly wait to see how this is walked back either by FvC himself or his cohorts. Spicer's response to the inevitable questions by the press at his next press briefing should be a hoot!
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