And so from a national security interest, we want to be clear about who the enemy is here. It’s a handful, a tiny minority of people who are engaging in horrific acts, and have killed Muslims more than anybody else.
Get that? The "enemy" is "a tiny minority of people" who are engaging in horrific acts. I've maintained from day one that the 9/11 attack should have been treated as a criminal conspiracy and having law enforcement, such as Interpol, pursue these criminals, who according to our President is a "tiny minority of people."
Instead, President Bush used the act of a "tiny minority of people" to declare an unending "War on Terror" and get thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of middle easterners killed with millions more displaced. President Obama continues the same prosecution. Over a "tiny minority of people."
I am surprised that no one has picked up on this comment. Maybe they are choosing to ignore it, so let me put it a slightly different way.
In addition to causing hundreds of thousands of American and middle easterners' deaths, we have spent over three trillion dollars, according to Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes. All over a "tiny minority of people."
The political elite have been sowing massive amounts of fear into the very souls of the American population to perpetuate the massive war effort, maintain the profits of the military industrial complex and keep America "safe" from these terrifying, evil "tiny minority of people." They who will creep into our bedrooms and slit our throats at any moment if we don't watch out!
A "tiny minority of people" threaten our "national security," and the United States as we know it will be taken down forever by a "handful" of these pseudo-masterminds if we don't throw three trillion dollars and over 5,000 American lives at them. And we're continuing this blasphemy to this day and beyond - A "Forever War"...
Since the inception of the United States there have been a "tiny minority of people" who have plotted against it. Same as any other country in the world having a "tiny minority of people" plot against them.
Doesn't anybody get what's going on?
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