Monday, September 20, 2010

George Bush II is an unacceptable person

On Democracy Now! today, Amy Goodman interviewed spy author John Le Carré (real name David Cornwell) in London. She only showed part of the interview and promised that she would devote a show entirely to the interview. I am looking forward to it.

One thing Mr. Le Carré said that struck me was in reference to George Bush II,

...there are very few absolutes about human behavior. But I think a leader who does take his country to war under false pretenses is simply not an acceptable person. I don’t think that we should be weighing the rights and wrongs of that. It seems to me to be quite simply wrong.

That is so basic and so true. Yet, the Washington Courtiers in the Marble Palace refuse to vilify (or bring to justice) Bush or any of his administration who killed so many Americans and middle easterners "under false pretenses." I will say again (and I will continue to say it until the day I die), the Bushies should have been charged with War Crimes and dealt with appropriately. They are murderers in my book.

Until they are brought to justice, we are a third world country, not deserving to be standing tall with civilized countries.

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