Friday, September 1, 2017

"Live tweeting" World War II

A while back, I got fed up with the cable news networks. Here is a good explanation of why:

So I've been getting most of my news through Twitter. I follow various accounts that cover all my interests. I find it much more engaging, and the comments are an absolute riot!

I bring this up because I discovered an account that just started "live tweeting" World War II! Yep, whoever is controlling this account is pretending that Twitter existed during the war and is providing tweets in "real time," i.e., on Sept 1 (the date that I'm writing this) there are tweets about exactly what was happening on September 1, 1939. Corresponding pictures and newspaper headlines are included. This will be a six-year project. Fortunately, they've cycled through at least once ending this year, so the account is starting over today. I love it!

This day in 1939, Germany is systematically taking over Poland (and making it look like it's all Poland's fault), and London is in a panic over the possibility of being bombed by Germany..

If you're interested, the account is @realtimewwii. It should be very illuminating.

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