I've said this before, but I'll repeat myself, and keep on repeating it. The deal breaker for me, regardless of all the other horrible stuff President Obama has done (giving up single-payer before the health care debate has even begun, not prosecuting the Bush Administration's human rights violations, catering to Wall Street at the expense of the 99%, claiming to ending the Iraqi war when he only did because the Iraqis would not give American soldiers immunity, extending tax cuts for the rich, etc.), is that I will NEVER vote for someone who believes he has the authority to murder American citizens (let alone 16-year-old boys) without due process. No human being should be able to decide to KILL someone without being held accountable. Who does that person think he is? A god?
And I'm not buying the mealy-mouth response from Attorney General Holder that there's a difference between "due process" and "judicial process." That's nothing but sleazebag logic. Nor am I buying into the Obama is a "good man" argument. We can "trust" him to make the right and noble decisions. Puh-leeze.
That's the trouble with us these days. We take truisms that have been ingrained in us since the beginning of our country's history (torture is illegal, due process for everyone according to the Constitution of the United States) and now create "debatable points." To wit: torture was an absolute crime, no doubt about it, until the Bush Administration turned the term ( and use) into a "debatable point" as to what torture is/is not. Then our "fearless leader" Obama runs with the ball by not holding anyone accountable for once was considered a crime.
I will not vote for either the Democratic or Republican candidate. I'm not sure who I will vote for in the coming Presidential election, but definitely not these political elitists sucking up to the 1%. We need a strong third party candidate who represents the average citizen to oppose both these empty suits. They are one and the same.
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