And here we have a great example of that from our fearless leader President Barack Obama. It was during an interview last week with ABC's Jake Tapper. Here's what the President said:
The most important thing we can do right now is those of us in leadership letting people know that we understand their struggles and we are on their side, and that we want to set up a system in which hard work, responsibility, doing what you’re supposed to do, is rewarded. And that people who are irresponsible, who are reckless, who don’t feel a sense of obligation to their communities and their companies and their workers that those folks aren’t rewarded.
"Those of us in leadership"? I haven't seen any kind of leadership in Washington, D.C. in years. We can't get judges approved, any kind of serious laws passed, no job reform, no sane budget reforms, just to name a few.
"We are on their side"? Let's see, Obama has generated more contributions from Wall Street than the Republican candidates combined. Two points here: The contributions sure would indicate that Wall Street is very happy with what Obama is doing and have confidence that he will keep on keeping on for the good of the financial industry. Secondly, who do you think Obama is going to cater to when he gets re-elected? Certainly not the 99%.
...people who are irresponsible, who are reckless, who don’t feel a sense of obligation to their communities and their companies and their workers that those folks aren’t rewarded...
This one's a softball. What about the "Irresponsible," "reckless" banksters who threw our country into a great recession and put millions out of work not being indicted? How about the British Petroleum oil company executives responsible for the Gulf spill last year not being touched? How about the Bush Administration's war crimes not even being addressed any more by Obama and the political elite (though the world, by which I mean everyone but the U.S., Israel, and England, believes war crimes were committed)? Not to mention, they are all now making a fortune hawking their books and doing interviews on the backs of those whom they killed or permanently ruined.
I could go on, but one gets the drift. The really sad part is that Obama, and really any of our political elite, can says prevaricating words like the above with a straight face, and no one, let me repeat, NO ONE, will bat an eye or at least throw follow-up questions challenging such lying statements. And I do mean lying statements.
So, bottom line, look at how much BS is packed in that one paragraph by Obama. Amazing, isn't it? Carlin's the man!
I know I'm repeating in this post the same old that have been said for years by the left, and more specifically the progressives, but maybe, just maybe, if enough people write and talk about it, something might just be done down the road. I have high hopes for the "Occupy" protests, and I really hope this is the beginning of the end of the select few decimating our country.
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