Another fine example has come to the fore in Illinois:
(Former Illinois Governor Rod) Blagojevich becomes the second straight Illinois governor convicted of corruption. His predecessor, George Ryan, is now serving 6 1/2 years in federal prison.
What's really ridiculous is the current governor and state congress leaders seem to be right in the thick of some questionable activity judging from this comment:
Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady:
“I'm glad that the verdict is finally in on Rod Blagojevich. However this closes only one chapter of Democrat corruption in Illinois. Illinois Democratic politicians who now try everything they can to hide their past support of Rod Blagojevich should look themselves in the mirror and remind themselves that little has changed since the day Blagojevich was arrested.
“Our current governor (Pat Quinn) has appointed lame duck legislators to high paid positions after they changed their views and voted for late night tax hikes. The Speaker of the Illinois House (and state Democratic Party Chairman Mike Madigan) is partner in a law firm that has reaped millions in appealing tax assessments in a relationship that even Forrest Claypool (now a member of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Administration) said ‘has caused our taxes to go up and the level of faith in government to go down.’”
I ask you, just what are the Illinois voters thinking? Another excellent example of the people NOT being smart.
Over the past year I found a great quote by George Carlin reinforcing my argument regarding "The People" not being smart:
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are stupider than that.
Unfortunately, it's just not Illinois' "People." This is why our country is in the horrible shape it's in. Guaranteed.
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