To me at least, the FRAP, the frenetic random activity period, is the most cogent explanation I can come up with for what‘s happening right now in the United States Senate. Things are happening really fast and furious right now in Washington. And we know why that‘s true for one side of Washington.
One of her examples is,
The nukes treaty with Russia, right? This has been on the docket for eight months now...
Republicans decided that they wanted amendments, that nothing could happen on this until they had no time for their very important amendments. They wanted to add amendments to the treaty.
But, OK, Democratic Senator John Kerry, who appeared on this show two nights ago, said essentially that even though that was kind of weird, if that‘s what Republicans needed in order to finally bring this thing to a vote, then, sure, you want to debate amendments? We can debate amendments...I got the floor time right now. Here‘s your time for amendments.
Republicans, it turned out, did not have any amendments. Nothing ready to go. Nothing written out, nothing to offer, nothing planned.
Ultimately, today, a day later, John McCain finally figured out an amendment that he might want to try. Republicans insisted this could not be voted on. They could not vote on this treaty until they had time to offer their many and very important amendments. So when they got the chance, kerplunk, one, and it took them a day to come up with it.
I'm sorry, Ms. Maddow, but this is an example of a horribly broken Senate - that's the "most cogent explanation." It has nothing to do with some "syndrome." These knuckleheads are solely out for their own interests and don't give a hang about the people they supposedly represent. It's all about making the other side look bad and give their side an edge.
In other words, they're full of CR*P, not FR*P. ;-)