Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Noam Chomsky on the Wikileaks dump

Noam Chomsky was on Democracy Now! this morning (It's about the only place on American TV that he can be seen). He discusses the ramifications of the latest Wikileaks dump. Very interesting stuff. Here he states something that the U.S. pointedly ignores:

"Latest polls show Arab opinion holds that the major threat in the region is Israel, that’s 80 percent; the second threat is the United States, that’s 77 percent. Iran is listed as a threat by 10 percent," Chomsky says. "This may not be reported in the newspapers, but it’s certainly familiar to the Israeli and U.S. governments and the ambassadors. What this reveals is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership."

He mentions the democratic election of the Hamas in 2006 and the American/Israeli response as an example.

He also says that when American diplomats/administrators use the word "Arabs" they are referring to dictators (e.g., "Arabs believe that Iran is a major threat to the Middle East"), not the Arab public at large.

You can see a streaming of the interview here.

The point of all this is when the U.S. goes into a country in the name of "Democracy" (read: "invades") they are actually trying to prop up dictators (in order to exploit the country's resources) so that the U.S. does not have to rely on the whim of the people ("democracy") possibly kicking them out.

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