Let's see...
Starting in the 80s, major deregulation occurred within the financial industry, culminating with the end of Glass-Stiegal in the late nineties. All due to pressure from the rich and powerful financial institutions and their cronies (read: Washington legislators who were paid millions by Wall Street lobbyists). Ten years later, a world financial crisis happens because of the egregious manipulation of derivatives by Wall Street.
Regulation is sorely weakened with major loopholes within the mining industry by the manipulation of rich and powerful mining interests. Last month, the worst mining disaster in forty years occurs. Last week, another mine collapses killing two miners. Both mining companies had major safety violations going years back.
Regulation is very weak in the oil industry due to lobbying and pressure from the rich and powerful multinational petroleum corporations. We are now on the brink of an oil disaster in the Gulf that will exceed the Exxon Valdez catastrophe. I just heard today that a safety device that would help cap an underground oil leak is not a regulation for U.S.-based oil platforms, but is required throughout the rest of the world. British Petroleum has the device on its platforms elsewhere around the world, but not here in the U.S. Had that been in place, it is very possible the U.S. wouldn't be facing this debacle.
Anyone else see a pattern here? Obviously, rich and powerful giants pose a great danger to the rest of us on this planet. Once they get the big bucks, all sense of decency for the human race gets defenestrated. There needs to be some check that keeps these money cartels from lessening the restrictions on them. I don't know how, but as long as there aren't checks in place, we, the people (and our planet), will be in grave (and mortal) danger.
As for the oil spill, I predict that once the dust settles from the immediacy of the situation (whether weeks or months), a "reason" for the explosion will be reported (and guaranteed it will happen even if they have to make a reason up). Beltway Washington will back them up (and thank them for the multinational corporations' due diligence in this time of crisis) and mainstream media will transmit the meme out to the sheeple. A fall guy (or minor corporate division) will be held responsible and appropriately "punished."
The oil multinationals will "fix" the "reason" for the explosion and say that the oil platforms are now safer than ever, with all the 21st century technology in place. We can all rest easy. Then it will be back to business as usual, Obama pushing for platforms on the East Coast (because that's part of his "energy plan") and putting all of the oil workers and our planet in danger yet again. All for maximum profit.
Same with the Wall Street (continued derivative manipulation, among other things) and the Mining Corporations (sidestepping safety regulations). Trust me. This will happen.
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