So Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) is caving in due to pressure from the Obama White House and will vote for the health bill. Don't you just love it? For months, the Obama administration has been saying that the public option was off the table because there weren't enough votes. No consideration of any kind of pressure to be applied.
Yet there were those out there at the time saying that all Obama had to do was to threaten to not support democrats in their bid for reelection, and he could get public option in the mix of health care reform.
Of course, there are now accusations that Obama cut a deal with the Health Industry to not include the public option at all, even as he was publicly spouting that he was for it.
Suddenly, Obama can now exert tremendous pressure on House Democrats just to pass this watered down version of health care reform.
So the bottom line is that Obama used the single payer card to get the votes of progressives when he was running for President, once elected he immediately backed off that and into a “public option” mode, then cut a deal to not even include public option (“We don't have the votes”) in the final health care reform bill. And he is NOW putting major pressure to get a lackluster reform bill passed.
What a weak, ineffectual, smarmy DC player, “screw the people, increase the profits of the health industry,” president he's turned out to be...
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