Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Birds of a Feather...

Well, how about this? President Obama invited all the mainstream media press “giants” to lunch today. Here’s the “Who’s Who” who attended:

NBC News: Brian Williams, anchor and managing editor, NBC Nightly News; David Gregory, moderator, Meet the Press.
ABC News: Charles Gibson, anchor, World News; George Stephanopoulos, chief Washington correspondent.
CBS News: Katie Couric, anchor and managing editor, CBS Evening News; Bob Schieffer, anchor, Face the Nation.
PBS: Jim Lehrer, executive editor and anchor, NewsHour.
FOX NEWS: Bret Baier: anchor of Special Report with Bret Baier; Chris Wallace, host Host, Fox News Sunday.
CNN: Wolf Blitzer, anchor, The Situation Room; John King, anchor, State of the Union.

So what’s the purpose of the lunch?

It gives the White House an opportunity to help shape the television coverage before and after the speech, which will be seen by millions of Americans. Along with the president, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and senior adviser David Axelrod also were on hand.

So...where is “Democracy Now!” host Amy Goodman? Not on your life would she be invited. And if by some miracle she was, I bet she would demurely decline the offer. Or maybe she wouldn’t, if the administration granted her free reign on questioning the President. But I don’t see that happening in this lifetime.

This is so typical. The mainstream news media cozying up to the President and his administration. How can they possibly assume an adversarial position (which is what the fourth estate is all about) with an administration's policies if they're getting in bed with it?

I’m really, really sure that hard, penetrating questions were asked of the President during lunch. You betcha! Now just watch how these "journalists" rave about the speech tonight.

These TV "actors" are the stenographers of the policy spins that the administration spews, and God forbid that they lose access to the inside power if they were to criticize anything that's said.


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