As Kaye related what money Mr. Shapiro lavished on the players, she said this:
The alleged gifts are jaw dropping. Listen to this. They include hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, cars, jewelry rides on his yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs. But that was just the start.
Now comes the really bad part of her quote (Emphasis mine):
Shapiro also said the players were offered bounties for injuring players on opposing teams. But what's even worse, the former booster says he paid to get prostitutes for players...
"What's even worse"? Are you telling me that paying to have a young, virile college athlete spend time with a hooker is WORSE than paying the same player to hurt and possibly MAIM another human being?
What a pathetic comment on our society. What I don't know is if the writer of the piece was pandering to the viewing audience, thinking that CNN's demographic actually thinks that sex is WORSE than severe bodily harm, or if the writer himself (or herself) actually thinks such a bassackward thought.
If it's only in the writer's mind, he/she is one sick puppy and needs a reality check (Therapy, as well?). If the line was specifically targeted for the audience, CNN must really think that we're more hung up on sex than violence and the Corporation is preaching to the choir. Either way it's absolutely despicable.
As George Carlin said:
I'd rather have my son watch a film with two people making love than two people trying to kill one another.
It is the responsibility for CNN and all the media to keep that in mind when covering their stories.